Looks Like It’s Time to Reinstall WordPress On Your Website

Okay, you discovered your website is severely damaged, and you have no way to get your WordPress site up and running; you need to reinstall WordPress from scratch. If you were reconsidering your content to be republished, be sure to have a backup of all plugins, databases, and other data on your website. If you have sensitive data, always encrypt them in an encrypted drive, or secure location. If you have valueable content what you’ve created for years, you may need to have your content be restored,–if you have a backup copy.
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[FAQ] When To YUse An FTP Client?

So, you only rely on html as a way to present content on your website, and you usually use CPanel as your method of updating your files online. However; this can take some time, and it can slow down your productivity. FTP clients are fast and easy to use for some people who upload content in bulk.
Bulk uploading via CPanel only enable you to upload files with a limited file size, or choose one file at a time. Since FTP clients reduce all of the effort; they can be useful for various applications.
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Be Aware Of These Hosting Platforms With Strict Policies

So, you were shopping for a hosting company what you want to work with. And you were finding ways to upgrade from a free version of a hosting platform. Although; free hosting platforms often have strict content policies. Think for this instance, Blogger… owned by Google Inc… now Google LLC. Blogger has content policy that is designed to govern use of their platform. Other free platforms have policies too! However some policies infringe the rights of the content owners. Even a free version of a platform integrated with your email account like Gmail can have strict policies. If you abide by their policies, and keep your account in good standing, you can easily use this free platform without any worries.
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