Most Ad Providers For Blind Webmasters Don’t Offer “Special Monetization”

Recently… Chitika has discontinued using PayPal, and replaced it with Payoneer. This payment platform isn’t as accessible as PayPal. Since Chitika has some problems with PayPal, maybe they have to swap platforms to make it easier for people to get paid faster. However; that didn’t solve the problem for blind webmasters like me! That is the another form of discrimination against the blind webmasters who rely on shared-hosting plans. In common, most websites written by blind webmasters are text-based. There’s no images, and no video content. Well, they may have audio content,–if available.

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Blind Webmasters and the Attack of the Sex Offenders

Up to a year or so; I’ve been working with my website since I moved from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress. I’ve been studying some sites that are ran by sex offenders in the USA, and other countries. Well, I don’t allow sex offenders to use my site under any circumstances because, my goal is to keep my visitors safe. However, many sex offenders has been fighting against these laws and regulations that prevent them from using social networking sites… such as Facebook, and other sites. That also caused them to be banned from certain blogging platforms. I do support laws that will prevent sex offenders from using any social networks where children are present.

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Blind Webmasters And the Attack of the Typosquatters

Spoofed, defrauded, ripped off, hijacked,and loss of reputation. This is the norm of these nitorious typosquatters who were responsible for targeting the blind webmasters who were running their websites or blogs with a professional domain. Since typosquatters take advantage of blind webmasters who were susceptible to fraud, unlawful copyright claims, unlawful trademark claims, unlawful patent claims, copyfraud, unlawful censorship, silencing of fair-use, silence of freedom of speech, and more. Whether if these blind webmasters who rely on shared hosting plans via a hosting company in question. Most of these hosting providers don’t have any special features for the blind. Most blind site owners prefer to have their domains protected against fraud. But the problem is most blind users are unbanked.

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Blind Webmasters Are Susceptible To Copyfraud When Licensing Content Under A Creative Commons License? Yes They Are In My Opinion!

The moment you’re about to license your content under a Creative Commons license on your website… you’re susceptible to fraudulent copyright claims against your content,–including fraudulent takedown requests/notices. This can result you in court with fraudulent copyright cases; this is the untold issue you may encounter when you were allowing anyone to reuse your content.

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