What Should I Write About On My WordPress Multisite?

Great! You owned a domain via a web-hosting company, and you were setting up a WordPress multisite. Starting your multisite, and writing something on it is common for all of us who have creative ideas. For your site to be effective; you got to have content, and your content needs to be unique. Wether you are a writing artist, or a fan who review movies, products, or services. Your empty website is kind of like a giant composition book what you usually use for school works, and other work. But composition books can be used as a starting point to write books. As you write something in your website… you create content. A book can’t be read without content!

You’ve chosen a web hosting company of choice such as Bluehost, Dreamhost, Green Geeks, or any desired hosting company. Some of their servers may be pre-installed with WordPress for you, or you can install it yourself. If you started owning your shiny new domain; and you started to get server space… your server space acts like an empty book that is used for writing your own content. It’s kind of like writing a book.

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Don’t spoof your viewers who are about to reuse your E-book!

Some people didn’t even understand! If you published your book, and licensed it under Creative Commons license; it’s irrevocable when published in paperback. But some publishers are trying to claim their book is CC-licensed, but what they are doing is spoofing viewers, and readers,–causing licenses to be invalid.

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YouTube Allows Copyfraudsters To Fraudulently Take Down Videos? Yes They Do In My Opinion!

There was an endless fraud on YouTube… it was copyfraud. These greedy corporations has been stealing public domain content, and claiming copyright and intellectual property as their own content. YouTube’s Content ID program has been linked to fraudulent copyright claims that are too difficult to combat. Their anti-piracy system has been causing some users to upload less videos… and cause their accounts to be wrongfully terminated. Although; these corporations are NOT caring about their audience, they only care about money! Well, money doesn’t grow on trees. You have to pay taxes, and other bills to keep your products going, and your services running.

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