Be Careful When Licensing Your E-book

Some people didn’t even understand! If you reused an E-book that is CC-licensed; at this case, CC BY-SA ; you must apply a same license to your E-book. Whenever you are using Draft2Digital, SmashWords, BookBaby, or any of these self-publishing platforms to publish your E-books, one wrong move may lead to a TOS violation; having your book canceled, and land you in court.

If you are an author who licensed your book under a CC license; and you allowed others to reuse your work, you still retain your copyright,–until it expires. Well, CC licenses are built to last long. And you can’t revoke it. Well, I always license my work under a CC licenses. My goal is to reach 100 E-books that are CC-licensed.

You’re not suppose to apply technological measures to any of the remixed CC-licensed content. But most proprietary creators didn’t even understand. However, they applied it anyway! Although, you can take action against them. These copyright trolls are the known thugs who are responsible for causing our copyright system to break.

Example Scenario

Say if you are writing an E-book about mice, and you published via any self-publishing platform. Your CC license is CC BY-SA. And your work is reused by your reader, Ric. He starts to reuse his work as he surrounds it with his original content. He publishes it to any self-publishing platform. Somehow, he applied DRM to your work, and he licensed his work as “All Rights Reserved” for his book. The another reader starts to read his book, he/she is upset because, the book is DRM-infected. He/She contacts you about an issue of your E-book that is reused, and it’s been placed under technological measures. You took action against Ric who violated your license. However, he’s a member of a company who didn’t even care about CC-licensed content.

Most likely, Ric is a copyright troll who is responsible for his acts with his company. That also lead to a court-order that demands this company to be shutdown. But one problem is corrupted court systems can cause problems to our law systems around the world.

Why This Is A Problem?

DRM is barberric, and if it’s found on CC-licensed content, and you’re responsible for applying technological measures to this E-book, you are facing legal action against you.

If you discovered a CC license “CC BY-SA: E-book, Always Keep At This Same license

Avoid using BY-ND, BY-NCSA, BY-NC, and BY-NCND after reusing this content with this license what I’ve just mentioned above in quotation marks.

Many creators who licensed their content like this are so upset because, copyright trolls are just bypassing the copyright statement with a CC license inside. These trolls are trying to spoof other creators who are trying to find the CC-licensed content. Legitimate creators might be aware of these causes what copyright trolls has started, recording industries didn’t even care about these open licenses either.

What To Do?

Launch a forum for some readers who are trying to report a problem that occured with your E-books.

Respond to your viewers who are having trouble reusing your work.

If you have multiple of books that you’ve published, write a book blog, and tell them your work is CC-licensed,–just like I do!

Success: A Fraudulent Website That Cloned Green Geeks Has Been Pulled!

What a merry day it is! What a merry day it is. For days; Green Geeks management team has been fighting hard to take out that fraudster who cloned their site. Okay… if you don’t know what is… its a site that was established in India. It was distributing Green Geeks’s content at its hosting directory. As I checked this site for any possible updates to confirm if the site has been taken down via its directory.

Continue reading “Success: A Fraudulent Website That Cloned Green Geeks Has Been Pulled!”

[Update] Green Geeks’s Management Team Takes Action To Help Pull The Imposter Site From The Web

Recently; I taken a look of these search results via Google; I discovered the scam sites who were involved in cloning Green Geeks being removed from results. Although; I made a call to the support team the other day… and let them know. Well, I did the right thing,–so people won’t go to the wrong site.

I did the search… but the cloned site is still there. However, the result hasn’t been removed just yet. If you do an exact search for… you can still see this website cloning Green Geeks. Here’s my additional analysis:

  • The site is still there.
  • The cloned content is still there.
  • Copyrighted content stolen from Green Geeks’s website.
  • Trademarked material stolen for the purpose of committing fraud.
  • Their blog content is stolen and hijacked.
  • Their affiliate program is hijacked.
  • Their entire content from a real site is copied to make it look like its a real site. This is the known attempt to phish data from users who already has a Green Geeks account.
  • Although; Google did their good job deranking their site from their results,–so people can go to the legitimate site instead.
  • Maybe the website owner who copied Green Geeks’s request to seize cloning their content on their site.
  • Merchant account programs has been hijacked.
  • Malicious activity may be behind these hijacked links to Green Geeks products that are hijacked.

Although; this website is located in India… maybe they have these weak copyright laws, or their copyright laws are out of shape.

I believe the management team via Green Geeks has an option to file a copyright complaint, and have this site that is involved in this form of attempted fraud taken down… if the webmaster behind the fraudulent site don’t seize cloning Green Geeks’s website.

What I posted earlier… this site hasn’t been complying with copyright laws for the past years! I believe the fraudster who is running this site should be removed from our internet,–so he won’t phish any of the existing customers who were trying to go to the legitimate site, Green Geeks. However; what they told me… the management team will be notified about my report.

Maybe the webmaster didn’t even ask Green Geeks for permission to reuse their content, nor legally create his own web hosting company from scratch by signing up for a reseller hosting account.

What You Should Do

Don’t go to this site,!

If you want to start hosting your own site, go to Green Geeks’s legitimate website instead. Please be aware of this site that cloned Green Geeks, and help Green Geeks’s customers steer to the legitimate site.

Do make a phone call, and go to support, and tell them what you’ve seen.

If you were using chat as a method of contacting support… copythe text below; and paste it to the text box:

Hi there, I discovered a site pretending to be Green Geeks; here's the URL:! I believe this person who is cloning this site has stole your content.

Personalize your message if you wish… personal messages make it easier for the support team to understand your report.

Keep speaking up until the management department takes action.

Trying To Reach Green Geeks and log into your account? Watch Out! There’s A Site Pretending To Be Green Geeks

Recently, I was searching for something intresting to read on Google via a Search engine. Did you notice there was a site pretending to be Green Geeks? Within this analysis, and facts of this scam website… you need to safeguard your data.

Continue reading “Trying To Reach Green Geeks and log into your account? Watch Out! There’s A Site Pretending To Be Green Geeks”

Fairies are for Everybody of All Ages? Yes They are In My Opinion!

For the past years, I’ve started believing in fairies since 2005, and alternative to believing in God, but some people didn’t even understand, anyone can believe in fairies. But a decision is yours. Anybody can believe in fairies, not just kids! That’s what some people didn’t even understand. What if you written a book about fairies, or you watched movies about fairies, and someone said “You are too old for fairies!!” You’ve been offended by some person who don’t believe in fairies. You had the right to believe in fairies,–it doesn’t matter how old you are. I’ve started believing in fairies because, I’m trying to change my lifestyle for the purpose of getting my abilities back,–after I lost my vision. It was a bit successful. But I’m still finding the ways to believe in fairies without effort.

Continue reading “Fairies are for Everybody of All Ages? Yes They are In My Opinion!”