Five Reasons to Boycott DMCA!

This is the post what DMCA doesn’t want you to read. Inside you will see 5 reasons to boycott this barberric, dirty, and crappy legislation. Well, all sites has the compliance of DMCA,–especially Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, and other corporate sites. However, you can still boycott corporate services that condones use of this dirty legislation.

>1. This legislation wrongfully inhibits fair-use.

The fair-use doctrin appears to be broken. Fair-use is designed to used copyrighted material with limits without a permission of a copyright-owner. Long ago; fair-use is working just fine. However, I wouldn’t risk it because, some people are just greedy,–silencing us. Especially videos on Youtube that are uploaded via fair-use. But SOPA and PIPA, these crappy legislations that are barberric are bad for our internet. Some of the online service providers didn’t even join the fight to combat these dirty legislations. Maybe they wished for them. You know the message; “be careful what you wish for” Money doesn’t grow on trees.

Parody, commentary, criticism news reporting are forms of fair-use… but these copyright-owners were whining over their content being uploaded via fair-use on YouTube, and other sites. All of that whining will NEVER help these corporations.

A message to these whining corporations who whined over your content being reused under fair-use: STOP being such a crybaby, and focus on creating something new. You made lots of money already. Simply just pay your taxes, and leave fair-use alone! Whining over content being uploaded under fair-use on YouTube makes it worse for you. One wrong move may lead you to a giant forfeiture of your copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property… that’s a consequence waiting to happen.

2. Using open-source content won’t be easy!

Open-source software is the top alternative to proprietary software that is < a href="//">defective by design. But manufactures has tried to bar us from installing open-source software on our machines. We want open-source content because, it’s better for us.

Free Software Foundation encouraged us to switch to open-source, and leave proprietary software out of our machines. For example; you wanted to remove Microsoft Windows from your machine, and replace it with Linux-based software that is free to modify, reuse, and build upon, and adapt. If you were about to purchase a new Linux computer from your store, you may need to make a special order of your machine.

3:DMCA Sucks!

If you have your own self-hosted website, you can place a statement on your disclaimer page,–telling users you are boycotting the DMCA. Well, I’m planning on updating my disclaimer page. Be sure to write a long statement.

4:> DRM is not for me!

I don’t like DRM because, that can treat users like criminals,–and that’s bad reputation to me. That’s why I’ll never purchase any kind of a DRM-infected content. I will also not going to apply DRM on my work. Never the less… DRM is also a dangerous form of pollution to our planet.

5 Signing up for their takedown services is not for me

I’m not that kind of a person who wants to hurt any creator on the face of the planet. It’s expensive, and barberric. Even one wrong move can lead you to prison for copyfraud. But our copyright system is broken, and useless!

Leaving DMCA out of my life is kind of like reducing carbon on the planet. If open-source takes over by 400%; DMCA will be a thing of a past.

If you care about free software, open-source lifestyle, and CC-licensed content; don’t sign up to any sites that is compliant with a barberric legislation. And do boycott products such as Microsoft products, Apple products, Adobe, Disney, Amazon, Sony, Nintendo, and Comcast.

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