Google Removes Infowars From Their Play Store To Combat Misinformation Spread By Alex Jones

Play time is over for Alex Jones And Infowars! Google has banned an app, Infowars from their store. That means; Alex Jones will be end up reaching less readers because, there’s no way for him to get his app back online. However; his website is still on the internet via his servers, and a hosting company is still hosting his website on their servers.
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Is Your Group Home Sanitizing Bathrooms And Kitchens Properly?

Although; your group home may have supplies to keep it clean, but some supplies don’t work what you expected to do so. For this instance, traditional mops grow bacteria, and used mop water in buckets waste water without actually knowing it. Although; we use these traditional supplies, but these supplies claimed to clean our homes, but they leave mess that requires you to use TOXIC chemicals that are bad for your health. I’ll be covering real stories about these group homes what I’ve encountered as I migrate from Hill City to Salina in Kansas. And you won’t forget a story about a machine what I’ve used to blast steam to clean a bathroom last week.
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