Blind Webmasters & the Attack of the Porn Industry

Many blind webmasters don’t want sexualized content on their websites. This is usual for some people who don’t want sexual content on their servers. Almost all of these website owners who were blind often host free platforms to enable users to create websites for free… all without traditional payment that goes first. However; blind webmasters are so concerned if porn has been spreading around their website,–all without any special software to keep pornography out of their website. This is kind of scary if you are blind, and you don’t know what image is being displayed on your website.

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Austin Jones Is A Pedophile? Yes He Is In My Opinion!

Friends, internet neighbors, and internet users… Austin Jones has been arrested since days ago! What Austin just did has really caused him to be behind bars, and be banned from the internet,–until his trial. However; he’s facing prison time,–if he’s convicted. If he was convicted of his crime, he has to register as a sex offender, and be banned from using any social networking services. Sure glad I don’t support his YouTube channel because, supporting a pedophile is a bad thing.

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Blind Webmasters and the Attack of the Sex Offenders

Up to a year or so; I’ve been working with my website since I moved from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress. I’ve been studying some sites that are ran by sex offenders in the USA, and other countries. Well, I don’t allow sex offenders to use my site under any circumstances because, my goal is to keep my visitors safe. However, many sex offenders has been fighting against these laws and regulations that prevent them from using social networking sites… such as Facebook, and other sites. That also caused them to be banned from certain blogging platforms. I do support laws that will prevent sex offenders from using any social networks where children are present.

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