Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Is Saying “Good-Bye” To Google AdSense

For the past 7 years; relying on Google AdSense is a typical form of monetization, but due to unlawful practices, and discrimination of website traffic, we decided to sunset use of Google AdSense as a way to find other ways to monetize our websites. If you are an advertiser who still want to have your ads seen and heard, its strongly recommended to contact us for your ad to be placed on our website with our ad server that is still being developed.

With an outrage of publishers who rely on ad networks to monetize our websites, we decided to find other ways to monetize our website.

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Erotic Books Published Via Draft2Digital Or Other Publishing Platforms Must Be Only Be Available On Subscription Reading Platforms With Mandatory DRM… Or Designated Licensed Adult Book Stores

Many Draft2Digital authors who write erotica as their prefered genre has these following questions as a way to help prevent children from viewing erotic ebooks. Well, at the customer side, these computers what they use often have shared subscription accounts with other members of a family. By law, you’re NOT supposed to provide erotic content to minors because its illegal, and it may land you in prison, and register as a sex offender. Authors who write erotica has been placing warning labels on their books, stating this content is for adult audiences only.

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How Do I Run A Subscription-Based WordPress Site Targeted Towards Grown-Ups Without Sexual Content?

Okay, you have a general website that is a base website what you’ve currently run. However; you wanted to seperate 2 content types without effecting your audience who relies on your primary website. Well, there are 2 options when seperating content. However; you must be very careful when using certain hosting platforms.

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Dealing With Irate Users On Your Website

Are your customers irate on your website. For this instance, you offered subscriptions because, you rarely write content on your website as a way to entertain your customers who taken your service for granted. However; not all customers are equal.

Well, what’s the point about customers? They use your services to support your work, and consume your content. You as a facilitator who facilitate publishing content on a regular basis, and you rely on your customers who subscribe to your services. And some customers are loyal, and they leave feedback as you publish content for other customers. To me… having customers on your website is awesome,–except for these examples of customers who were irate, and cause your reputation to go down.
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What Premium Content Should I Offer On My WordPress Multisite?

Although;, offering premium content on your website is a best way to monetize your website with a membership,–paid by your users. Your users who were tired of ads has used ad-blocking software to block ads from displaying on their browsers. Well, ad revenue is the most used method of monetizing your website, apps, TV shows, movies, and even blog posts on blogs. Well, offering content for your premium members is one way how businesses make money. Everyday, businesses rake in lots of money to keep their doors open. If you take a look around this website, and you see banners, that’s how ads fund websites, advertisers advertise products/services to promote their businesses or content to further engage users who consume content everyday.
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