Webmaster Magic: Create A Dedicated Search Page For Your Website

Many webmasters were desatisfied of WordPress’s built-in search feature, and they wanted to reduce all of the load on their website. In common they rely on custom search engine elements via Google CSE. But having this search element on your website is NOT a option if you wanted to use a 2-page format.

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WordPress Magic: When Writing Posts As Chapters In A Book… Use 1 Category

Wondering about these posts what I write as chapters in a book on my main site? Long before,–during the time of my content hosted on Blogger,–owned by google. I experimented on writing blog posts as chapters in a book. Writing a blog as a book is the another way of using your website as a online book what you are writing. Whether if you were just writing a simple fictional story, or a set of stories like a box of books. But some people didn’t even understand. If you didn’t provide categories to your set of posts, your stories won’t be organized as you expected to be organized.

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