Choosing GreenGeeks Over Other Hosting Companies Who Support Polluting Giants& Corporate Greed

So, you are migrating from; and you are proud to upgrade your website with a paid-hosting service of choice. There are many hosting companies who iffer services to host your site with a premium price. Typically; you start off with a free hosting service of choice. You have some time to monetize your site via ads or donations. You gained enough capital to upgrade from a free service to a paid service.

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Websites Owned By Sex Offenders and the Ankle Monitor

Although; sex offenders who were placed under monitoring during a release from prison are usually prohibited from going on the internet, however; a trend of blogs written by sex offenders often blog about their daily activities, or just normal blogging like a professional blogger. A typical sex offender who runs a blog has no ads to help pay for fines, and other damages from other victims. Whether a person involved in sex crimes has been arrested for possession of child pornography, sex crimes, or sex trafficking. There are many sex predators who were placed under monitoring via ankle monitors as a way to track them.
If you watched a news about a suspect who is now arrested for sex crimes,–just like how R. Kelly was arrested for sexual abuse of minors… he may be end up being tracked,–after he was released from prison.
Many sex offenders who regularly post content on blogs often write long posts like a book. Maybe they placed ads on their blogs to monetize their content, and rely on advertising revenue to pay fines, and damages. Most hosting platforms that are paid do encourage people to be creative. Writing content and publishing to the web is common now these days. However; a YouTube star, Austin Jones is banned from the internet, and he’s about to be sentenced on May. Although; he isn’t able to create a blog on the internet because, he may be a threat to minors online.
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Strategic User Account Termination

There was a news about Austin Jones who was a musician who has his YouTube account terminated,–after he was convicted of distributing child pornography, and exploiting minors on the internet. Tipically, most social-networking websites like Facebook terminates a user from their service when a person is a sex offender, or violated other terms/policies.

If you are a reseller of any hosting service for your customers, you must be very careful when handling users who use your service for legal uses. For this instance, a business owner hosts a website that educates visitors why copyfraud is a bad thing. You always keep track of any user who runs your website. However’ you discovered one of these sites has been involved in posting content that promotes rape culture. Rape is a serious crime, and a rapist must have his/her account terminated at all costs.

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If you Are A Blind Website Owner Who Relies On Reseller Hosting – Watch Out For The Attack Of The Pirates!

What’s the point about being a reseller for a hosting platform,–establishing your own platform for hosting websites for free or paid subscriptions? Hosting a hosting platform for hosting websites enable your users tohost their websites and post content like text, images, and other content formats. Some people post movies what they’ve made from scratch, along with software. Being a reseller for your customers is awsome,–except for some customers who turn into pirates who really take revenue from software developers, movie studios, and music artists

Within this article, we will tell you why you have to be extremely careful when being a reseller for your customers while you’re blind.

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Pornography Is Not Welcomed On GreenGeeks

Many webmasters who are exclusively pornstars wanted to host their websites on GreenGeeks, a green hosting provider… but what’s stated on their TOS page: “Porn is not suitable for our services.” And many webmasters who wanted to publish porn content on their websites to grow their audience, and make money. However, the porn industry is a highly addictive market to many viewers who were addicted to porn. That’s why GreenGeeks don’t want any porn on their servers. This is one example of a family-targeted hosting platform.

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