Applying DRM to your ebooks can pollute our environment? Yes it will in my opinion!

Some authors didn’t even understand. If you apply DRM to your books; you’re actually causing damage to our environment. Millions of DRM-enabled ebooks can cause global warming to speed up, and cause our towns to be flooded by sea water. If you are an activist who care about saving the environment, consider turning off DRM for your ebooks. DRM-free ebooks are less likely to pollute our environment.

Applying DRM is not for me because, if you are applying DRM to your books; you’re supporting dirty fuels, and you can produce millions of tons of carbon per day. It’s kind of like blasting smoke from the coal-burning plant that is used to generate power. And you also support mining for coal, and removal of mountain tops,–causing our clean water supply to be unusable, and at risk of toxic damage,–caused by a coal-burning plant.

Almost everyone rely on DRM for protecting their content, but this form of protection can lead to damages to our planet. For example; drilling for oil in the cold section of our planet up north. Many people wanted to stop the drilling rigs from harming our vital environment for these amazing animals who lived in the super cold conditions.

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E-book Authors & the Earnings Issues

Some authors didn’t even understand! It takes lots of time for your books to be discovered. But they’re trying to startup their earnings stream, but they are doing it the wrong way. Although; I’m always editing, and writing new books on the web. Publishing more books after you are done writing a new one can take some time. Some authors can write 1 book up to a year,–depending on their book what they’re writing.

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Don’t Cry/Whine Over Your Content Being Used Under Fair-Use

That’s right! There are crybabies everywhere around the world,–crying over their intellectual property being stolen, causing their revenue to go down, and lose market value of their work. However, what critics are doing is fair-use… That’s what some people didn’t even understand at all. All of that whining and crying,–along with filing takedown notices doesn’t solve your problems; it makes it worse… one wrong move may lead your corporation susceptible to lawsuits, and corporate accountability,–and in some cases… forfeiture of your copyrights, trademarks, and even your trade-secrets. Once your copyrights are taken away from you, you can’t get it back! It doesn’t matter how big is your business is, or how famous your characters are,–or even how neat your content is. Fair-use doesn’t do anything bad to your business, your reputation, your revenue, or your assets.

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Chromevox Still Stall and stutter when writing long posts with over 4000 words

For… the past years; I figured out why Chromevox is still stalling when writing long posts that contains over 4000 words. I’ve been figuring out why Chromevox still stalls when writing extremely long posts via self-hosted WordPress, Blogger, Bandcamp, Editpad, Google+, and other text-editing programs. If you were using Chromevox,–even the newer version… WATCH OUT… stalling still occurs,–not limited to typing fast, but typing slowly. If you’re not sure if you still have a problem what I’m still experiencing… I’ll show you how to reproduce that problem, and send it to the developers of Chromevox,–after you reproduced a problem.

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WordPress Multisites Needs To Be Unique and Informative

You heard of these stories about these scraper sites scraping content, and republishing them as their own content. And some website-owners were upset because, they discovered their content being flagged for removal. They did collected public domain content for their content, but what they’re actually doing is copyfraud by fraudulently claim intellectual property to recently released content that are placed in the public domain,–due to a legitimate expiration of copyright, forfeiture via an order of a court, or a person who intentionally opted out of owning copyright. However; these trolls were infecting our creative world with bogus copyright claims/notices. One wrong move when being a troll like this may lead you to serious trouble.

When you create a site via your desired hosting provider of choice… you start your domain, and you choose a site-building software. But you prefer to use WordPress as a method to launch your website because, its open-source, and its easy to use and customize. When relying on this method of running your website like this, you started thinking about what you should write on your WordPress multisite. Each website is unique by design, and content. It’s the same way why Blogger blogs should be unique,–for the purpose of enabling other visitors to read your content. Most WordPress sites via share similar guidelines what Blogger has, but has implemented their own policies. For this instance… you had a hosted blog/site on, and you write something new. You write it as a book, but you are limited to how much storage what you have in your account. You have to abide to their terms on their site. While your self-hosted site… via your hosting provider, you need to abide to their terms too.

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