Blind Draft2Digital Users Who Use Android TalkBack Screen-reader Still Experience Same Problems Like Chromevox

I experimented on a screen-reader on my Android phone, TalkBack. I logged into my Draft2Digital account to navigate around the interface, such as “Advanced Settings” and varify if these controls are accessible. But I discovered something that is NOT right! Like Chromevox, this screen-reader can’t locate checkboxes because, these elements on Draft2Digital’s website itself isn’t designed to be screen-reader accessible.

The Experiment

I logged into Draft2Digital. And go to the settings panel. I explored this form with an array of controls. I thought this website is screen-reader is capable of reading these elements, but it’s kind of difficult to adjust these settings because, these controls are NOT accessible by design. However; this is the another violation of ADA has been found. This accessibility violation has been lurking on Draft2Digital’s website after it was first launched.

I logged out of my account from this phone. And I compared it to Chromevox, and most likely, both of these screen-readers… they both have the common flaws, but Draft2Digital itself is NOT blind accessible.

To do this experiment; use your Android phone/tablet, and log into your draft2digital account. Be sure to turn on the screen-reader. Adjust settings. And explore the controls. If you can’t operate these controls… you are experiencing a serious accessibility issue.

What I found is the following issues:

  • Checkboxes are NOT actually checkboxes… they’re just span elements with visual images.
  • Sliders are NOT sliders.
  • Combo boxes are NOT static combo boxes.
  • Almost all of this website is NOT friendly for the screen-readers what I’m currently using.

Comparing to Chromevox

Chromevox Classic and Next has these same issues, and they don’t force click on checkboxes on Draft2Digital’s website. But what we mentioned above, TalkBack via Android has managed to locate these elements that may look like checkboxes. This is the another suspicion why Chromevox can’t detect these elements. Turns out… there’s issues with Draft2Digital itself. This website hasn’t been implementing accessibility for many years,–after launch. However; since I don’t have other devices to test other screen-readers on other computers… I have to use my current machines to work with my projects.

What You Should Do

Contact the webmaster if you have trouble with their website. This is kind of like a serious accessibility violation that is left unresolved. Or file a complaint with the ADA.

If you can Email Draft2Digital

Go to Draft2Digital’s website, and go to their support page.

Find their email address, and click on it.

With your desired email software online/offline; write your message, and subject. And tell them what’s exactly happening.

Send your message.


Never send threatening emails under any circumstances. Many businesses report threatening emails to law enforcing agencies. That can result you to have your email account canceled, your Draft2Digital account closed, and land you in court.

Providing detailed information about a problem what you experienced on this website is important for some developers to implement accessibility for their sites. It may take some time. If you are a concerned user, let them know.

If any website violates accessibility laws of any kind; fines, or even court-ordered setup of accessibility is imposed.

Did you had these difficulties with Draft2Digital when using an android phone with a Talkback screen-reader? Let us know at the comments below this article!

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