Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Is Officially Moving To Nicodemus

Recently, I moved out of an apartment complex, and I dropped cable altogether because, we are switching places that is going to be a black location in Kansas. This is necessary to enable Fairies Dreams & Fantasy to establish a new home. Why this move is necessary because, I recently had difficulties within my family who is infected with violence as a culture. Take for this instance: My big sister has stole from me since November,–causing me to take shelter at the another building. Since I have to spend my holidays at the another house, I have to discontinue rent at Chapel Ridge in Salina. However; my electric bill went down, and my cable usage went down. I have to safeguard myself with a help of a different person. That also required me to update my websites, mailing address, and other files.

What to Expect

This website is going to stay on shared-hosting via GreenGeeks. That means, this site will be segmented to provide relevant content, along with refactoring Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Writer, Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Premium, and other content on this website. All parts of this website will be updated with a timely manner. Our contact page is going to have an updated address, a newly refactored contact form, a newly refactored support center, a refactored online store, and more.

By the next time you visit our site, All content displayed on this website will use light on dark color scheme.

Fairies Dreams & Fantasy is also going to block ads that are related to the NRA because, Fairies Dreams & Fantasy, and the owner of this site are not going to support all NRA products.

The future

If Fairies Dreams & Fantasy continues to thrive… it will be relying on green energy altogether in 2020.

The Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Wiki is going to have all fictional characters licensed under a Creative Commons license to enable our creative community to reuse them if they wish.!

A newly launch ad center for advertisers is going to rely on static files to enable the ads section to have a dedicated location for advertisers to place ads to support Fairies Dreams & Fantasy as an alternative to relying on traditional ad networks.

SSL is going to be implemented to secure our websites altogether. That applies to contact forms, forums, checkout pages, and user profiles.

Anti-spanking site is also going to be refactored to help stop the spank, and save children from being exploited.


Own a building, start a religion, and pay more taxes like usual. This is an important goal to help take better responsibility, and implement a religious group that is different.

As a prospective, Fairies Dreams & Fantasy is also going to keep all posts updated as possible to fix errors, and refactor all of these webpages.

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