[FAQ] Does GreenGeeks’s Anti-Porn Policy Violate The Rights Of The Porn Website Owners?

Many GreenGeeks customers who publish adult content on their websites are upset because, they can’t publish pornography on their servers. GreenGeeks has a clear policy why pornography is not allowed. Some of these frustrated website owners has claimed their rights has been violated. Many hosting providers don’t allow porn under any circumstances.

I’m a pornstar, and my website has been removed… what should I do?

This is an experience what you may encounter. As I chatted with the specialists via GreenGeeks; they had an exact policy that prevent customers from publishing pornographic content. This is necessary to keep their services targeted to individuals, businesses, religious groups, government agencies, and more. If you had an experienced lawyer, or a legal expert, you can pursue an order of a court to get your site back. If you were just hosting a static website, your hosting provider will prompt you to remove content and download all of your work, and migrate to your new host where this kind of a content is allowed. It takes days for your content not being retrieved by you to be deleted by a hosting provider. Depending on a severity of a violation of their policies against publishing porn; your account can be terminated altogether. Since this is avoidable… you should avoid publishing porn on your websites.

Most pornstars has been fighting for their online rights to host their content via any host who care about our planet. Most pornstars has found ways to prevent this issue by setting up server rooms in their homes, or hiring a hosting company who host adult content and porn for them.

Internet censorship is the known issue what we’ve been trying to abolish for years. However, porn websites can’t get a green host because, they’re considered dirty content. Helping to keep porn off our devices can help people with porn addiction.

I’m An Owner Of A Business That Targets A Porn Industry, But My Website Has Disappeared! Why It Happened?

What’s stated above for individuals porn stars; this is a same consequence that is equal. Content discrimination is common on most hosting platforms. Even if you were a strategically marketed business for the porn industry, you should always ask questions first,–before you host your content on their servers. If you host your own servers at your own property, you must provide lots of security to prevent anyone from accessing content.

If you have an experienced lawyer; you can opt for an order of a court, and keep your website up, but you have to have a backup plan to migrate to a host.

If you didn’t have a backup of your website; and your backup isn’t created earlier; all of your content are lost. Sadly; Blogger, owned by Google don’t enable you to monetize pornography. However; if you were about to host a hosting platform that can handle adult content, you need to strategically set up services, and hosting packages. That also require you to maintain servers, yourself, or have employees do it for you.

A loss of your entire website is a loss of money and property,–kind of like a set of books pulled from your local library. Almost like having your books shredded to be recycled. If all of the porn industries attempted to migrate to GreenGeeks as a green hosting platform,and their websites are terminated months later; it will be a loss of an industry altogether.

I’m an erotic author, and my site disappeared! What to do?

If you are an erotic author, you must be extremely careful when writing an erotic blog when hosting with GreenGeeks, they take unwanted adult content seriously.

Always clarify your content doesn’t violate their terms. Avoid posting images at all costs. Erotic authors should be careful when posting book releases.

My Account Suspended! What To Do?

If your account is suspended; you must remove erotic content, or contact your host to unsuspend your account. Sometimes, false positives strike… These are why your account is suspended:

  • Don’t publish porn on your website, you can post your personal journal instead of actual porn content. It’s strongly advisable to create non-pornographic content as an alternative.

    Common alternatives to pornography are:

    • Children’s Fictional Stories – You can write content for kids and adullts.

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