[FAQ] I’m A Sex Offender… I Was Ordered Not To Access A Computer… What Should I Do? I Have Bills To Pay For My Website

And that’s scary for some many sex offenders who were ordered NOT to access a computer. You were a sex offender who still have a website running, and you wanted to keep your blogging platform, your online store, your social network, your gaming platform, etc. If you have a spouse who lives with you, he/she can manage your website for you. Typically, sex offenders,–before they’re offenders lose their web properties like their domains, their websites, and their intellectual property,–causing their site to be abandoned. This is a challenge what sex offenders are currently experiencing. And this ban can get your website offline.

Facts About One Musician Who Was Banned From The Internet Since 2017:

Earlier, I’ve mentioned About Austin Jones who was arrested for distributing child pornography,–after he requested minors to send him disgusting videos of themselves naked twerking videos,–causing them to experience a serious problem.

When Austin’s mother has bailed him out of prison, Austin is ordered to be away from the internet, and not access any computer. I believe this is a reasonable effort to keep Austin offline. There are sex offenders who were been forced to be offline as a condition of probation or on a registry, or an order of a cort. Unfortunately, laws governing sex offenders and registries has been challenged by many sex offenders.

However; Austin Jones will be on a sex offender registry for a long time.

If Your Access To A Computer Has Been Revoked

This is scary! You can lose all of your documents, your photos, and your music (applies to your music what you made), or even your videos. If you have an email account like Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Outlook, or any other email provider… they have policies for inactive email accounts.

If you were recently been released from prison, and you were about to go back online, and start a blog; your internet rights are limited. For this instance, a monitor is placed on your internet devices for providing internet. However; I’m going to mention each critical event when your internet is limited, your computer access is limited, your internet access is revoked, or your computer access is revoked.

If you can still access your computer; and you can still use the internet, your internet rights are limited,–after you were registered as a sex offender, typically, a sex offender who lives in any state in the USA must comply with these guidelines. For this instance, being prohibited from living near schools, parks, malls, and other places where children gather. If you still have internet access, you were prohibited from accessing any social networking website like Facebook. Although; a right to be on Facebook is common for some sex offenders, but we’re focusing on internet access for the purpose of paying your hosting bills, and running your website. Sex offenders who own websites are most likely to experience difficulties. Even sex offenders who were successful website owners must wear ankle monitors to comply with sex offender laws. Typically, terrorists, copyfraudsters, and corporate criminals often have their internet access revoked. However; if a sex offender is a person who is held accountable for child pornography has his/her internet or computer revoked.

If Your Internet Has Been Limited By An Order Of A Court Or State Regulations When Registering As A Sex Offender

Your internet is monitored, or some websites may be blocked by your monitoring authority. If your internet is monitored by your local authority, or a private company who monitors your internet connection, some sites may be blocked off as a way to prevent you from signing up for these platforms. Or in some cases, your desktop computer may have a special expansion card installed to monitor your internet use, or your laptop may be specially modified with a chip to access your internet connection. In my opinion; there’s no such device that is designed to monitor a sex offender’s internet connection. I’m familiar with IIDs being installed to motor vehicles to keep drunk drivers at bay, for this instance, an interlock that has a camera to take a photo of a person using a device, before a vehicle can be started. Well, what if a device that is designed to keep distribution of child pornography at bay, and keep sex offenders at bay, or before a person accesses a computer further for any legal use like paying bills, and online shopping? If a device has been developed,–just like the same way how does an IID works, but you don’t send a breath sample; instead, you must send some data that will confirm if a person has no sexual interest towards minors. If no sexual interest towards minors isn’t present; a machine will close a circuit via an encrypted signal, a computer can be started, if a sex offender still have sexual interest towards minors; his/her computer will be remain locked.

Most internet users who were former sex offenders have trouble establishing social network accounts, and establishing their own websites to start their own businesses. Former sex offenders who were no longer on a sex offender database often struggle with their internet rights. That applies to sex offenders who were successfully steered to a new road of recovery from being behind bars… or these former offenders who are starting a new lefe.

However; sex offenders who were placed under tight restrictions via internet usage has a timed internet connection. This strategy enable law enforcement to prevent sex offenders from using the internet via certain times. For example; internet is open from 7:00 to 19:00. If this restriction has been added to a sex offender’s internet connection; that will make it difficult for sex offenders to perform legitimate activities like watching a movie on YouTube, Amazon, Hulu, Netflix, etc. A 12-hour restriction is common for an internet connection to be limited. If you have wireless routers in your home; law enforcement may insert a timer into your network connection.

If Your Internet Has Been Revoked

In some cases, law enforcement may shut off your internet connection. That will make it difficult for you to pay your bills for hosting your website. I fyou have a partner who helps you, you must alert your partner about your experience. If you were still on a registry, just wait it out, and do something different like writing a book offline, or writing an offline journal.

This is a reason why your internet connection has been revoked:

  • Your state, or federal regulation has imposed offlining of these offenders who were subject to zero tolerance, or other restrictions.
  • If you were a serious offender who recently been involved in a serious sex crime that caused you to end up facing time in prison, and you were released years later; your internet has been revoked by your carrier via an order of court, or policies for paying your bills on a regulars basis.
  • Your internet rights has been revoked because, you were ordered to be offline via court.

If this is a case, your ability to do business online isn’t possible. If you were a celebrity blogger; your internet rights that are revoked causes you to be off the internet for some time.

If you were a musician who sells your own music, and your money pours into your bank account, and you can’t figure out how much money what you are making… your money may be forwarded to pay fines, recovery costs, and monitoring costs of a registry. R. Kelly for this instance, has no money to pay fines, taxes, and other things.

If Your Computer Usage Is Limited

If your access to your computer has been limited; your rights to own a computer has been limited. This strategy via law enforcement is necessary to prevent further distribution of illegal sexual content, and other content. If seizing a computer isn’t possible,–due to lawsuits against the law enforcement, a limit has been implemented as a way to prevent any attempts to distribute illegal sexual content offline.

Libraries and other public places where public computers are installed are common for sex offenders to go back online, there’s no offline versions of these units that are only for sex offenders. An older computer without an ability to download images is common.

That can also require sex offenders to house all of his/her data in her own apartment/home.

Computer Revoked

If this happens, here are the following factors:

  • Loss of domains what you own
  • Unpaid invoices
  • Invoices sent to collections
  • Loss of content
  • Loss of intellectual property like copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade-secrets, trade names, trade dress, and other rights
  • Loss of revenue (when credit/debit card expires)
  • Rising debts
  • Loss of revenue of ebooks
  • Loss of website membership revenue
  • Affiliate revenue loss

This is the most difficult part for sex offenders who were powerless because, they don’t have an online business to start, nor open a store to sell digital products.

There’s no going back!

If you were about to get your access to your computer or internet revoked; do all of these things:

If You Have A Helping Spouse Who Is Willing To Help

If you were lucky, your spouse can help pay your bills on his/her computer, you need to ask your hosting provider about adding an authorized user to your account. Typically, most hosting accounts holds 1 user, but not multiple! This is a problem for some people who were behind bars, in hospitals, in hospices, in nursing homes, and deployed to other countries for military missions. Typically, your debit card information, your PayPal account, and your monetization apps with your accounts needed to be managed by a spouse what you trust.

It’s up to your spouse to undertake your website, and he/she must be instructed to do tasks on your website like paying affiliates, hosting bills, and other important tasks. You can say one of the following:

  • My rights to access/own a computer has been revoked when being on a sex offender registry, and I’m aren’t able to manage my website by paying bills, and write new content. Please help me with my bills to pay online.
  • My internet has been restricted, and I’m aren’t able to pay my bills, and I really need help from you. I must serve my time,–before I get my internet unrestricted.

Unfortunately, most hosting providers don’t have enough room to have an authorized user who can be authorized to use your account. These accounts can’t be transfered. However; if your website has been linked to any crime, your website can be removed from servers.

Top Up Your Account For Automatic Payments

Check if you have enough money in your bank account, if you can’t go online; call your bank via a telephone to check your balance.

Always prepare before your official revocation via a period.

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