Strategic User Account Termination

There was a news about Austin Jones who was a musician who has his YouTube account terminated,–after he was convicted of distributing child pornography, and exploiting minors on the internet. Tipically, most social-networking websites like Facebook terminates a user from their service when a person is a sex offender, or violated other terms/policies.

If you are a reseller of any hosting service for your customers, you must be very careful when handling users who use your service for legal uses. For this instance, a business owner hosts a website that educates visitors why copyfraud is a bad thing. You always keep track of any user who runs your website. However’ you discovered one of these sites has been involved in posting content that promotes rape culture. Rape is a serious crime, and a rapist must have his/her account terminated at all costs.

If They’re Copyfraudsters Who Were Found Accountable For Copyfraud

Terminating a copyfraudster’s account can be a strategic task when you are trying to keep copyfraud out, and enable victims of copyfraud get their work back,–after a successful order of a court. Copyfraud is unpredictable, and it can hurt our creative culture.

YouTube at the other hand, condones copyfraud and corporate greed. Wrongful termination of accounts can lead you to be sued, or worse.

If There’s A Convicted Sex Offender

Almost all sex offenders have an online presence. think about this guy; he was in prison, but he maintains his blog. However; a sex offender must register his online user accounts with a registry. Facebook prohibits these predators from using their service. With a recent news about Austin Jones… a musician, YouTube has been pressured to terminate his account. Not just Austin Jones has been removed; David Rock… a fallen YouTube star has been removed since years ago.

If Scammers Are On Your Server

Stop Online Scams… a dedicated YouTube channel has been encouraging us to fight online scams. Our friend, Ethan Vanderbilt has been posting reports about these scams in his opinion!

Terminating scammers is a known way to clear up your server resources. John Mroz is a known scammer who scammed people on YouTube.

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