Five To Twenty Is No Longer Available

Okay, I was researching this blog, Five To Twenty for many years, after I implemented my own website on my own server. I don’t know why this website has been deleted, but a domain that is associated with this website has been parked by WordPress… a free version of this website. I don’t know if this author has lost his internet rights, or his contributor has canceled has account.

Unfortunately, this website was ran by a sex offender who is released from prison years ago, and he’s been writing on this blog for 10 years. This 10 year-old blog has been running on WordPress’s servers. However; a sex offender in Texas has his internet rights revoked, or something. I was inspired by his writing, and I was doing a full research on his blog when it was active.

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How Do I Run A Subscription-Based WordPress Site Targeted Towards Grown-Ups Without Sexual Content?

Okay, you have a general website that is a base website what you’ve currently run. However; you wanted to seperate 2 content types without effecting your audience who relies on your primary website. Well, there are 2 options when seperating content. However; you must be very careful when using certain hosting platforms.

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[FAQ] Can I Have Multiple Domains On My Hosting Account Via GreenGeeks?

Although; having multiple domains on your own server is common for businesses who sell an array of branded products/services, or expand with an array of brands. Although; having an array of domains can raise costs of hosting overtime. Well, this is common for large businesses who already have lots of money when they sell products/services. NameCheap is the known domain seller who sell domains with a low price… that’s how this company got its name. You can use NameCheap to buy domains with a low price. This is common for people who wanted to save extra money on domain registration. However; this approach may require you to point your domain to GreenGeeks’s name servers, and it takes some technical skills to do it. If you were already comfortable with handling DNS configuration; it may also take some time.
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Strategic Subdomain Setup

Many business owners who already preformed their website with their own content as a way to get audience to read their content early, before a website is converted into a website ran by a business,–after strategic planning of their website. Some business owners has bought other businesses, and started rebranding these companies to give them a new lease of life. You can choose to keep a domain name of a business what you bought recently, or migrate it to your subdomain, and rebrand it,–or park an existing domain for your subdomain, or even keep the domain active.

Subdomains always make it easy to save money on domain ownership. For this instance… Walmart chooses to own for people who use debit cards provided by Walmart. Both of these domains owned by Walmart are common examples via the real world.

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