[FAQ] Why Won’t GreenGeeks Offer Free Hosting Packages When I’m Unbanked?

Typically; GreenGeeks only have paid hosting packages. Since GreenGeeks rely on paywalls instead of advertisements to host their platform. However; this is a major drawback for people who were unbanked,–living from one check to the another. GreenGeeks doesn’t offer payment by check for people who were unbanked. Now these days; we have to provide valid info when opening bank accounts because, they’ve implemented efforts to prevent money laundering, terrorism financing, and other serious factors. Ditching check payments are not to blame when you were unbanked!

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Text-Adventure Games Hosted On Websites Hosted Via GreenGeeks Can Use SQL Or Plain HTML

Many text-adventure game developers who host websites on GreenGeeks are planning on writing only html text-adventure games, or use an SQL database to run their games. However; if your host supports SQL; you can create a database for enabling users to store info as they play games. However; if you have an SQL injection attacking your website; your site can be affected by bad guys. HTML pages with plain html code is the another option,–if you want your users to play your games without needing to create an account. This is useful if you want to make a text-adventure game by interlinking your html files. Since they don’t take that much data to run your servers… you can host as many html files you want. This is a great approach when you are just writing a static website for your play area of your website, just like I’m developing it.

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Choosing GreenGeeks Over Other Hosting Companies Who Support Polluting Giants& Corporate Greed

So, you are migrating from blogger.com; and you are proud to upgrade your website with a paid-hosting service of choice. There are many hosting companies who iffer services to host your site with a premium price. Typically; you start off with a free hosting service of choice. You have some time to monetize your site via ads or donations. You gained enough capital to upgrade from a free service to a paid service.

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