The Creative Commons Configurater Plugin Is No Longer Available For Download

However, this plugin has been discontinued, and it’s no longer available for download. Since this simple plugin was a useful plugin will be remembered forever, but you can still license your content under a Creative Commons license.

Going to is one way license your content. Their official selector to choose a license is common for some people who wanted to choose a technical approach when licensing content. Comparing to a plugin; you have to repeat these steps as you license your content. Whether if you have posts to update, videos to update, or other content to relicense. It can take some time for you to fully relicense content on your website.

Why this plugin has been discontinued?

This plugin has been discontinued when a developer has implemented an EOSL (End Of Service Life) as a way to force us to find a different plugin, or a technical method of licensing content.

I fell in love with this plugin,–after I’ve first launched this website since 2015. It was a best plugin to use as a way to make it easier for me to license content on my website. If this plugin is still updated, and running on all websites; that plugin still can be continued to be installed on our website. This plugin did better! And this plugin was a classic!

Since this plugin is not affiliated with Creative Commons; this plugin may be installed on some websites.

When I removed this plugin; my website has started to take up speed! And Reduced some resources. And I can able to expand my website further. This old plugin has been left outdated by a developer. If you were trying to download it; it’s no longer available for download.

Other plugins may be similar to this plugin, but you have to do a strategic research before installing them.

Alternatively; what I’ve mentioned earlier; you can go to Creative Commons official website to use their license selector.

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