Ubuntu Computers & The Stuttering Install Of Microsoft Windows Via Virtualbox

Although; I am currently experimenting with running Windows via a virtual machine program, Virtualbox. However; I am now getting used to using Ubuntu Linux as a way to help reduce risk of malware attacks on Windows 10, and a way to “DeMicrosoften” my machine. However; I’ve successfully done it because, removing dependencies of Microsoft products is a way to regain control of my machine. However; you can still run Windows as a guest OS for other purposes like testing out text-based games, or having 2 OSs without needing to boot from one OS to the another as you interchange. between OSs by rebooting.

Why Microsoft Windows Is Stuttering Inside Virtualbox?

However; Microsoft Windows as a guest OS stutters and hangs as you use this OS inside a virtual machine. For this instance; I’ve experimented with using Windows 10 as a guest OS on my machine, and I don’t need to woory about my machine being infected with malware. However; using Windows as a test environment is my only way to test my website for possible capabilities. However; I must link my Microsoft account, but relying on this Ubuntu app as a way to treat this OS as an app. If at any reason when I experience a difficulty with Windows when it stutters when running, I usually edit my virtual machine as a way to fix a problem..

Here’s what I’ve discovered as I ran Windows via Virtualbox:

OS hangs when running

As I ran Narrator… a redesigned screen-reader on my machine; i can hear it speed up or slow down, and I can also encountered possible hangs as Windows hangs when running. I’ve toggled back to Ubuntu, and back to Windows to fix a hang, but I usually run the 64-bit version of Windows 10 with 3 GB of RAM, and 40 GB of storage. I’ve also adjusted settings to this OS itself. However; this OS still stutters, even during the install of this OS. However; Windows is always susceptible to malware infections. Closed-source doesn’t mean better for our community. Windows is designed to fail like most proprietary software.

With all of that constant stuttering of this OS; I must find the source where it caused the problem.

NVDA Crashes

As I ran NVDA as a way to use less memory than Narrator, it still experience this difficulty. NVDA crashes on a guest OS, Windows, and it experience the worse failure, APPCRASH events are common in Windows. If you were trying to use NVDA on your guest OS for a long haul; you can experience these crashes, and failures. Microsoft often bloat their OSs with updates that can actually fail. Unfortunately, Google Chrome, FireFox, and other alternative browsers crash in Windows too! I think Microsoft has programmed Windows 10 cause these alternative software to crash,–leaving Microsoft Edge available to use as a stable browser. This mysterious force use of proprietary software is a known sign of antitrust.

If you want to reproduce a problem

Follow these steps to reproduce the problem what I’ve experienced after installing Windows 10:

Install Virtualbox

Open your terminal and type the following:

$sudo apt install virtualbox

Type in your password.

Type “Y” and press enter.

Open Virtualbox

Open Virtualbox by finding it in your applications screen by pressing a super key plus “A”.

Create A virtual Machine

Create a virtual machine, and name it “Windows”. Set your RAM to 3 GB; and your storage to 40 GB. Don’t forget to adjust other settings.

Install Windows

Visit Microsoft’s website and download an ISO image of Windows 10, buy a product key from Microsoft.

Run the installer.

Test and Use the OS like Usual

If you were using this OS for a long haul; you may need to record what you’ve encountered. If you managed to catch what is actually happening when running screen-readers; most likely, this OS is stuttering.

Why this is a problem?

This OS is hogging resources like a bear.

This OS is attempting to give you difficult times when using this OS.

This OS is been programmed to prevent other browsers from working correctly. That stuttering and hanging is a sign of Microsoft’s malicious attempt to taunt you as you use your virtual machine.

That stuttering has caused me to cycle between OSs and recover a virtual machine from a freeze.

Constant hangs, crashes, and failures are common in Windows. Typically, Windows is built to break!

Even if you removed bloatware from Windows, you are stuck with hardwired products in Windows.

Windows can cause your fan in your laptop to speed up… that is an indicator of Windows taking up resources. These services in Windows is kind of difficult to power off,–attempting to speed up.

Virtualbox is NOT the enemy; it’s Windows itself… and it is always subject to flaws, faults, and even piracy. Most malware developers rely on Windows to launch attacks.

Which OS is stable?

Only Ubuntu Linux is stable, that is a clear winner of comparing between these OSs. If you currently have Windows installed on your machine; replace it with Ubuntu Linux.

What You Should Do?

Don’t link your guest OS with a Microsoft account. For the best results; always rebuilt your virtual machine if Windows faulters with a severe failure.

Turn off these unnecessary features that are activated in Windows.

Turn off these services that you don’t need.

Think twice before installing Windows as a Guest OS.

If you were experiencing difficulties with Windows on your virtual machine, and you discovered this OS is seriously damaged, try rebuilding your virtual machine.

Protect yourself against antitrust practices by Microsoft.

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