Website Owners & the Attack Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Okay, you were just enjoying hosting your website, and providing services to your customers. You have the best brain, and you were just paying your bills… however; you woke up on the next day, and you’ve experienced speaking difficulties, and you aren’t able to eat properly. Alzheimer’s disease can cause people who work on their projects to forget about their projects, and experience difficulties with their lives.

What to do?

Don’t panic just yet! There are measures to take,–before a critical event happens. What do I mean? Website owners who own website, and experience difficulties when managing websites and paying bills. Also, Alzheimer’s disease can really strike a blow to your hosting account where your website resides.

Within this article; I’ll show you how to implement measures, along with possible actions to take,–and even common issues for people who have trouble working with websites when Alzheimer’s disease has struck.

Why This Is An Issue?

Okay, I have 2 of these characters, Annie, and George-Ahmed. Annie is considered a young fairy, and she has her own website, and she has a team who implemented measures. She has a team of publishers who publish new content on her website. She has implemented enough money to keep her payments in sync. However; Annie takes Alzheimer’s disease very seriously, and she is always strict when protecting her projects against abandonment. George-Ahmed is a person who only works on his website. He has his only wife who is a nurse who is dedicated to handle patients who were residing at this hospital where patients receive critical care. George owns his large website, and he believes he will keep his best brain. He eats a healthy diet, but he also publishes 4 posts daily. Annie has published 20 post ahead of herself, scheduling her content to be published with an automated format.

Annie starts her day off with managing her content to be published for a later date. She has no time to lose, she finishes her posts to be published on April, May, and July. She must get ready to work at a store, and work at the hospital later.

George-Ahmed used to work, but his job has experienced serious debt because, cord-cutting. He was a best employee, but he was laid off of his job as a publisher. He does have his own business where he publishes his own content, and he relies on his earned money to pay for his website, feed himself, subscribe to streaming services, and even travel. However; his publishing talent continues as he kept writing new content.

Annie has signed out of her primary job at a local hospital. She wants to keep her earnings flowing, but she don’t want to be in debt under any way. She adds her money to her bank account, and she asks her hosting provider to enable her to fund her account to offset bills to pay. She also add funds to her dedicated bank account to enable hospital bills to be paid,–helping to keep her medical bills low. She saves over $200 to enable her funds to be forwarded to hospitals. When not in use; her funds supports a hospital by making small donations. Annie has also implemented instructions to her husband who is her secondary publisher. However; Annie must pay her bills early, and she must request her earnings to be forwarded to her online payment platform account. She must repeat a cycle as she funds her hosting account, and set automated payments to prevent Alzheimer’s disease from striking her, and causing her to fail!

George-Ahmed has no backup funds to prevent him from going behind with his bills. He uses his credit card, and pay his bills with his earned funds. He has no time to travel, and he must publish his content, and serve his viewers. His money needs to be set aside for his investments, and even his taxes. He already paid taxes on his earnings. His earnings only go to his credit card to keep his bills paid.

Suddenly, George-Ahmed has experienced a heart failure, and he was rushed to the hospital.

Days went by; he was back home.

George-Ahmed has no way to keep publishing his website.

His wife has discovered George-Ahmed has Alzheimer’s disease, now he isn’t able to publish his new content. And he isn’t able to pay his credit card bill, and his hosting bill.

Days went by; a hosting company has called him, but his wife has notified a company about George-Ahmed’s Alzheimer’s disease. A company didn’t know about this issue,–regarding late payments.

His website kept going… until his website has been suspended.

His wife isn’t familiar with George-Ahmed’s account, and his website. However; his credit card has executed payments, preventing his website from being suspended.

Annie has a team of publishers… this is a future of herself, she has 12 healthy children, and she has her new husband,–after he was wrongfully killed by White policemen who were involved in an illegal scheme. Annie manages her vegetarian diet, and she has enough money to help keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay. She has saved over $200,000,000,000 in her bank account; and she manages to pay for a stronger hosting feature, and secure her website with extreme measures via these companies what she support. She has no time to buy a house for herself because, she has taxes to pay. And she has reached age 112 because, she cut meat from her diet, and she implemented ways to live longer by having plants in her home to cut down CO2 by 75%. She has also encountered she is still young, and her children are now taking part to go vegetarian.

George-Ahmed has no money to keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay. His website is still running. His credit card what he used is about to expire in just 4 months. And his wife must update her husban’s account. His wife is about 55 years old, but her husband is 61 years old. His husband has 75% meat via his diet. No fish… no seafood. He just eat land-based meat. Rabbit meat is his common meat what he eats. Due to his Alzheimer’s disease difficulties. he must let his published content appear on his website. He has only 200 of his post remaining. And once his posts are used up; he isn’t able to publish new content.

George-Ahmed has experienced loss of his earnings, and he falls into debt. Annie has maintained her brain health, but she still has money set aside for her doctors and nurses to strategically fight Alzheimer’s disease. Annie has discovered George in serious debt because, he used to work at his favorite company. However; his medical bills has piled up, and he has trouble walking like a normal person.

George-Ahmed… who has a child, Harry-Ahmed must get his child adopted by a different family because, he isn’t able to continue caring for his child, and his wife must get him adopted too! His wife believes her husband has trouble with his money, he did pay up for raising his child like usual.

His website continues to fall out of favor of his visitors.

Annie’s website continues to thrive, and her members who were her owners of her company has changed places. A person who has Alzheimer’s disease has stepped down as Annie continues owning her company. Her other owners who stepped down due to Alzheimer’s disease has left instructions when taking empty spaces. However; these owners has enough money to help cope and fight Alzheimer’s disease. Annie has already maintained her financial health, and she manages to strategically eat a special diet of nuts, fruit, and other food types to supplement her brain health.

She has encouraged other owners to go vegetarian to combat Alzheimer’s disease, and they did!

George-Ahmed has experienced credit card debt, and he needs financial help, his website was sold to other companies,–after he made a bad choice to step down.

His website continues to experience debt, and his company also experiences debt too!

Only Annie… who made a strategy to develop a team to combat this serious loss.

Problems What You May Encounter:

If Alzheimer’s disease strikes. You may encounter these issues if you were a website owner:

Unpaid Invoices:

Unpaid invoices may pile up in your mailbox as you try to make payments, but you don’t remember doing it.

Your hosting provider may terminate your account, after your account is suspended. Unpaid invoices are sent to collections to help reduce loss. It can cause you to have some issues like lowered credit score, or something similar.

Aren’t able to log into your website

This is a problem that applies to people who use any hosting platform. Managed CMS platforms like WP Engine, or a standalone hosting platform like BlueHost are common. If you have trouble logging into your account; you can always recover your account like usual. It depends on how severe is your difficulties when Alzheimer’s disease already struck you.

Untold; over many websites has been abandoned by people who were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. This electronic buildup of abandon websites has caused the internet industry to pay millions of dollars to clean up unwanted websites. There’s no such requirement for internet services to create a special network for people who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease.

What You Should Do?

Develop a strategy to keep your website running with your team of publishers, and owners.

Always maintain your brain health by keeping meat off your plate.

Create a trust fund.

Always be careful when you were just working at any place.

Find reputable resources to help combat Alzheimers disease in your region.

Speak to your hosting provider about keeping your website active when Alzheimer’s strike. Always let them know about your payment issues. That way; they will set up a team to help you keep your website active. If you have family, get help from them. For some hosting providers; they will refer you to other people who will help you.

Have checkups each year.

Reduce eating meat.

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