Websites Owned By Sex Offenders and the Ankle Monitor

Although; sex offenders who were placed under monitoring during a release from prison are usually prohibited from going on the internet, however; a trend of blogs written by sex offenders often blog about their daily activities, or just normal blogging like a professional blogger. A typical sex offender who runs a blog has no ads to help pay for fines, and other damages from other victims. Whether a person involved in sex crimes has been arrested for possession of child pornography, sex crimes, or sex trafficking. There are many sex predators who were placed under monitoring via ankle monitors as a way to track them.
If you watched a news about a suspect who is now arrested for sex crimes,–just like how R. Kelly was arrested for sexual abuse of minors… he may be end up being tracked,–after he was released from prison.
Many sex offenders who regularly post content on blogs often write long posts like a book. Maybe they placed ads on their blogs to monetize their content, and rely on advertising revenue to pay fines, and damages. Most hosting platforms that are paid do encourage people to be creative. Writing content and publishing to the web is common now these days. However; a YouTube star, Austin Jones is banned from the internet, and he’s about to be sentenced on May. Although; he isn’t able to create a blog on the internet because, he may be a threat to minors online.

Sex offenders around the United States has been fighting for their rights to be online. This fight continues… It’s like a modern civil war of some sort.
Freedom is a key function of a free country.

Most former sex offenders has changed their lives by running businesses, writing books, and starting podcasts. But their criminal history is still preserved… and they’re susceptible to being blacklisted from becoming workers for malls, stores, and shops. If you were a sex offender for life, you have restrictions where you live. Internet restrictions are the most infringing restrictions that harm sex offenders. Since sex crimes are serious… it can lead you to losing your business, and your career. And speaking about career; music career is one example of a career. Most sex offenders come from abuse in families. And no such law that prevented it in the first place!

If you are a music blogger who writes your own music, and review other music artists who you like; having your own website is like running your own business,–if you have ads posted on your own content. Well, sex predators are mostly dangerous to us. Whether if you are a gamer, a writer, a podcaster, or a vlogger; sex offenders do have online rights,–just like we do.

Here are the following tips you should take, if you were a website owner who is a sex offender:

Write Content That Doesn’t Involve Any Sexual Activities

You can write about your life, or write a story. You can write a story about your life, or a fictional story that will attract your older audience. If you have were a sex offender for life; avoid place where children get together. Always register your internet identity with a sex offender registry.

Don’t Contact Any Minor Online

Always find friends and your allies via your matching age over 21. Wait for others to grow up, it can take years or so. If you have former friends who were kids, and you used to be a person who plays in a costume, try to give them space, or find a dedicated place where you can interact with other people who aren’t kids.

If you were on an ankle monitor

If you still have access to the internet, or you have permission from a probation officer to use the internet. Disclose what you are planning to do as you use the internet.

If you have an online business

If you run a hosting platform, or any other website, run it from your own house,–if you can’t reach your business location. Ankle monitors are designed to keep criminals at bay. Do your business like normal. Your customers need to rely on your services for everyday use. If you have a partner who also runs your website; have someone do it for you.

Do Sex Offender Laws Infringe The Rights Of The Sex offenders Online?

Many sex offenders were upset because, these laws were unconstitutional! Some laws are too strict, and they can lead to serious problems. Typically, some online sex offenders who run websites as their business, or as a hobby. Former sex offenders can be affected too. In some cases, sex offenders has sued the government altogether! Or in some cases; migrated to other countries to live a different format of life. Or even in some cases, micronations has been established to enable sex offenders to abolish broken sex offender laws altogether. However; sex offender laws take strategic setup and lots of money. In the United States; sex offenders who had their rights infringed has costs United States over $400,000,000 each year; or each month. That also caused their websites to be taken down,–costing up to $65,000,000,000 in losses what hosting companies has suffered. Running prisons is expensive, and there’s no way for sex offenders to get their websites back. Ankle monitors are commonly used to keep them in one place.

Former sex offenders who ran websites has started businesses to change their lives, and tell stories about their troubles. If you were not a sex offenderx starting a website goes forward. You can choose a free hosting platform, or apaid hosting service. You start your website like a normal person. However; if you were a sex offender; you must register your website to a database.

Sex offenders has found ways to run a blog from prisons, and their own homes. If their not on alkle monitors and they’ve finished up probation; they still have to wait out years for them to be removed from a sex offender database.

For some sex offenders like Austin Jones, who was banned from the internet; he isn’t able to run a website,–after he was released. It is infringing, but why don’t the United States pay attention to these problematic laws?

If you were on an ankle monitor; you are monitored as you were doing business on your website at home. Ankle monitors are used to track down suspects. Well, don’t cut off your ankle monitor. Just keep it on. Most ankle monitors can be recharged,–just like recharging your phone. If you have serious addiction to pornography; find other resources that are alternatives to pornography. Sex addiction is also common.

If you wait out all of the time with an ankle monitor; officers remove the monitor after a period of time.

As always, don’t remove your ankle monitor!


Sex offenders law vary around the world. If you were not sure about this; do your own research, or contact your legal expert for details.

This content doesn’t provide any legal advice under any way, the author of this site is not a lawyer. This is an author’s opinion.

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