When To Sign Up For Web Hosting Services

You had a thrill with relying on free blogging platforms, and forums. But you were relying on them for a while. You created your own content, but your content will be spontainiously flagged by trolls, or automated processes. Blogger is the known platform with fatal flaws. If you were trying to keep control of your content; you may need to choose a hosting platform of choice. This can also be useful if you wanted to keep track of your videos what you’ve created from scratch. Or in some cases; you wanted to rely on custom software for your entire website.

Why should I move to a new web hosting service?

You experienced an issue with a free blogging platform who wrongfully deleted your blog. Or you have trouble retaining your content that is built to entertain your viewers who care about your content what you created yourself.

Content policies are NOT clear what you expected. And these guidelines are NOT helping at all.

You wanted to keep full control of your videos, and you wanted to self-host your own content your way,–instead of relying on a third party platform that is neglecting small users who were fighting to get their content back.

What You Need To Do

Save at least $200 or more dollars as you go to work, and monetize content with your prefered ad networks. Research which web-hosting service you wanted to sign up for. There are various services out there!

Always backup your content, and your data.

If you were using Blogger; log into your Blogger dashboard, and choose a blog in question to export your content. Go to Blog Tools and export your content as XML, and save it to your computer.

Keep track of your items what you’ve uploaded to third party services. For example Photo hosting sites, audio hosting sites, and video hosting sites.

set all of your content to be unlisted as a way to let your visitors know you’re moving to a new host.

When To Start With Shared Hosting Services

Use this service to build your site from scratch. This is useful if you wanted to own your own domain that will match your desired brand. Be careful not to take anybody’s domain. Instead make up your domain name that you can easily remember.

Shared hosting is the most economic hosting services available. It’s so affordable; even a disabled person can build a website. WordPress is the known CMS what you can use. It’s easy to use, and it’s fun to modify templates. You need to be comfortable with coding with php, html, CSS, and other code. If you know code already; you have an option to build your own plugin for the WordPress community.

What You Can Do With Shared Hosting Plans

  • You can build up your site from scratch, and place custom ads of choice to monetize your content.
  • Build a social network.
  • Retain your content without any worry.
  • host images for your articles.


  • You can’t host your own videos directly.
  • You can’t host downloads directly.
  • If your website grows out of control,–due to publishing posts via 30-minute sessions; you may need to upgrade to a larger format of shared hosting.
  • Shared with other users.
  • When To Choose VPS Hosting

    • If you want to host your own videos, music, games, or downloads.
    • You had lots of users.
    • Your site has lots of published content that is read by many people in just one day. It could be a viral post!
    • You want to have custom apps.
    • Faster load time without hogging resources.

    When To Choose A dedicated Server

    Just like what’s mentioned above; you can get a faster site, and more control. But be careful! Some dedicated hosting plans may be to tricky. But training is needed to be comfortable. If your site grows out of control… and you have trillions of posts being read by people around the world. You may need to upgrade to the next hosting package.

    Third party free blogging platforms always break overtime. But you can make a difference by building your own blogging platform that is ideal for anyone around the world.

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