WordPress Multisites Needs To Be Unique and Informative

You heard of these stories about these scraper sites scraping content, and republishing them as their own content. And some website-owners were upset because, they discovered their content being flagged for removal. They did collected public domain content for their content, but what they’re actually doing is copyfraud by fraudulently claim intellectual property to recently released content that are placed in the public domain,–due to a legitimate expiration of copyright, forfeiture via an order of a court, or a person who intentionally opted out of owning copyright. However; these trolls were infecting our creative world with bogus copyright claims/notices. One wrong move when being a troll like this may lead you to serious trouble.

When you create a site via your desired hosting provider of choice… you start your domain, and you choose a site-building software. But you prefer to use WordPress as a method to launch your website because, its open-source, and its easy to use and customize. When relying on this method of running your website like this, you started thinking about what you should write on your WordPress multisite. Each website is unique by design, and content. It’s the same way why Blogger blogs should be unique,–for the purpose of enabling other visitors to read your content. Most WordPress sites via wordpress.com share similar guidelines what Blogger has, but wordpress.com has implemented their own policies. For this instance… you had a hosted blog/site on wordpress.com, and you write something new. You write it as a book, but you are limited to how much storage what you have in your account. You have to abide to their terms on their site. While your self-hosted site… via your hosting provider, you need to abide to their terms too.

Everyday, new websites are launched by everyday people, like you… from all over the world. New domain names are registered every second! And new content begins to appear as their websites grow. but some of these site-owners has started to browse and look for content to use for their website. They are about to target your website in any minute. Some of these website-owners who were scraping content from other websites, and republishing them as their articles. Like copyright violations, they can rip off the legitimate website-owner’s reputation of publishing news articles, online books, creative posts, sourcecodes, images, and more. And sometimes these scraper sites were designed for using ads to gain revenue for their site that is scraping content everyday. In common… most scraper sites come from certain countries that aren’t fully-developed, or Islamic culture that is illegally censoring content that isn’t relevant to their culture. Islamic culture isn’t immuned to copyright violations! For example; you discovered your content stolen by an Islamic website that you don’t trust, and you submitted a request to have your content removed from their site. And you suspected these people tried to threaten you with fraudulent lawsuits. You got help from your legal professional, and you finally had their website suspended for these fraudulent activities.

Think about publishing a website as a way how you publish your book to earn revenue… you have unique content that is interesting for your readers of your website. Publishing unique content is important because, that’s creating something new! Sometimes creating something new is kind of difficult,–due to some countries has been involving in infringing the rights of the site-owners.

Although; if you were involved in scraping content from anybody’s website online, and you pasted it to your site, and you duplicated their content, you are most likely to be served with takedown notices. Like most web-hosting companies… they respond to valid claims of content stolen by other site-owners who were trying to gain revenue. At this case, you were just minding your own business publishing your own content, and you were finding articles to link to as references, but you discovered some articles that are cloned by the another site-owner. It’s kind of like a bad neighbor who isn’t responsible for his/her act. The other site-owner has complained about their content stolen because, that causes their value revenue to go down, but your visitors has already reading your legitimate articles. However, these users are NOT helping you make money. Your viewers are NOT here to enable you to make money quickly,–especially if you had advertisements on your website already!

The scraper site may be located at the another country that isn’t applied to copyright laws in the USA.

Why WordPress Sites Should Be Unique?

That’s being creative! Creating something new occurs everyday.

Let’s pretend your WordPress multisite is a book that is distributed to your local library for visitors to read your book… each book is unique by each title, content, category, and series. Each book is written by 1 or more authors. If you and your other authors write in one book, its kind of like having multiple of users on your multisite. However; some site-owners has a scheme to make their content look like they’re publish by them. Some books in some libraries were replaced because, some books were flagged for copyfraud, copyright violations, and other schemes.

If you are the only person who owns a multisite; and you write content by yourself, and you reached up to thousands of posts by publishing new content by scheduling multiple posts via future date. If you rely on this publishing scheme; and you automated your site; and you let your site publish your post in order… you can enable to grow your audience overtime. Think about publishing new content for your TV channel. If you provided new episodes of your show daily, or weekly… you will get more people enjoying your show. If its a book; its the same format.

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