Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Blocks Terror-Linked Countries

Fairies Dreams & Fantasy never tolerates terrorism. We are blocking terror-linked countries to protect our independence when running our website. If you were reading content on Fairies Dreams & Fantasy in any of these countries linked to terrorism, you may experience an error message when trying to visit our website. If this is the case, you may need to find other ways to keep reading our content, or move to a different country where is free of terrorism.

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Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Is Now UpGraded With SSL Via Let’s Encrypt… Thanks To GreenGeeks

I’ve just finally got my websites secure with SSL, without needing to self-sign SSL certificates. I can able to run my own site with my piece of mind, and I can able to rely on a secure connection to enable my visitors to safely browse content on my website.

Okay, if you are using GreenGeeks, you can ask for SSL to be configured for your website via Let’s Encrypt. All you have to do just open a support ticket, and ask for Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates. You have to wait for a while as you get these certificates issued. If you are using a CMS like WordPress, you may need to log into your sites again, and continue publishing new content. If you had a static website, you may need to edit your .htaccess file to redirect all traffic to https URLs Keep in mind; SSL certificates expire overtime, and you have to check them on a regular basis.

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Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Is Officially Moving To Nicodemus

Recently, I moved out of an apartment complex, and I dropped cable altogether because, we are switching places that is going to be a black location in Kansas. This is necessary to enable Fairies Dreams & Fantasy to establish a new home. Why this move is necessary because, I recently had difficulties within my family who is infected with violence as a culture. Take for this instance: My big sister has stole from me since November,–causing me to take shelter at the another building. Since I have to spend my holidays at the another house, I have to discontinue rent at Chapel Ridge in Salina. However; my electric bill went down, and my cable usage went down. I have to safeguard myself with a help of a different person. That also required me to update my websites, mailing address, and other files.

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