E-book Authors & the Earnings Issues

Some authors didn’t even understand! It takes lots of time for your books to be discovered. But they’re trying to startup their earnings stream, but they are doing it the wrong way. Although; I’m always editing, and writing new books on the web. Publishing more books after you are done writing a new one can take some time. Some authors can write 1 book up to a year,–depending on their book what they’re writing.

Organic earnings is key when a reader is interested of reading your book

Many self-publishing platforms come with tools to check if your books are getting sold. Some categories are reaching high earnings for your book. But you have to choose categories correctly. Some categories can be used for some authors who are writing the following types of books:

  • Science Fiction
  • Horror Fiction
  • Mysteries
  • Erotica
  • Non-Fiction
  • Religion
  • Mythology

Depending on content in your book; if you expanded context in your story, the longer it gets. Be sure to keep editing, and confirm if your readers are getting updates from you. You can have follow-ups with your viewers; and take a look of the reviews what they’ve just wrote.

If your book is successful, and you started to earn royalties; that means you are starting your earnings stream the right way. You kept publishing more books, but you are reading other author’s book. Don’t participate in Get Rich Quick schemes! Otherwise, your viewers has discovered you and the other authors who are in a pyramid scheme! Most self-publishing platforms have policies that prevent pyramid schemes from occuring.

All self-published E-books must be unique, and interesting. If your book is licensed under Creative Commons license; readers can reuse your work, and turn it into any of the following:

  • TV show
  • Movie
  • Game
  • Musical Performance

The more books that you’re getting sold organically; the better our self-publishing platforms continue their services.

Some authors are still upset because; their earnings hasn’t been started for a long time

There are possible reasons why your earnings hasn’t started to launch just yet. Some Self-publishing platforms,–like Draft2Digital has a wizard to setup a payment method. And it’s simple to set it up. You have to setup important information in order to get your earnings going. Its really important to submit tax information to enable them to sent payments to you. Since you were self-employed; you have to handle taxes yourself.

Because, without it; your earnings will not be sent to you via check, or any prefered payment methods. Although; you set it up already; but if your earnings reaches over the specified notch, it will be sent to you.

The another reason why your earnings will not start is the following:

  • Your book is too new.
  • Your book is too expensive for some people who wanted to read your books.
  • You’ve published your book for the first time,–after you signed up for a self-publishing platform.
  • Your books are only suitable for adults because, it’s not safe for children who don’t want to read your books that are adult in nature.
  • There’s no keywords Specified. You must set keywords that are related to your book title, and description.
  • Category is not specified. You need to set categories for your book,–in order for some readers around the world to find your book.
  • It’s a free E-book. But that’s not the case,–if you’re writing a book for the first time.
  • Your book is set via pre-order.

If you are trying to get your earnings started; just focus on publishing new content. That’s what some authors didn’t even understand! Don’t start a Get-Rich-Quick scheme. Some frustrated authors are using methods of getting their earnings started. However, many of these authors are under fire for this form of an illegal scheme.

What’s the risk of publishing adult content?

Many self-publishing platforms have policies to specify which content type is allowed. Some authors has been rigged by readers online who are trying to stay away from adult content. They flag your book for any policy violations. One wrong move can lead you to account termination, or taken to court.

Only adults can read adult books, and you’re not going to earn as much earnings,–unless you’ve properly applied content ratings to your books in question.

I don’t write adult books, but I just write books for general audience. But I have concerns.

It’s okay to write books that are safe for all readers, all you have to do just review your content, and confirm if your content is safe, and it has no mature content. If you are a skilled writer; and you are the author who is writing books like normal; you can still gain your readers who are interested with your books.

Books without mature content are most likely to power up your earnings, and your account is in good standing, you can use some of your earnings to pay your bills, car notes, housing, hotel rentals,etc.

Whenever your book is about fairies, mice, or even dinosaurs; you’ll never know who is reading your book. If you are so responsive to your audience, and reading the reviews that are posted; be sure to read them carefully. They might have important information available.

Issues with DRM-protected books

Free Software Foundation has documented some defects found with technological measures,–causing some readers to stay away from content that is infected with DRM. If you are an author who relies on this form of protection, your earnings will not be effective as normal.

DRM is kind of like running a factory farm! Or eating meat. Since DRM is harmful to our planet, that can cause a mound of abandonware to rise as a skyscraper.

Going DRM-Free has been started by some authors who don’t want to support Adobe. Well, I don’t apply DRM to my work at all because, I don’t want to treat users like criminals. DRM can also take up lots of bandwith, and all of our electrical energy what we tried to receive power for our homes around the world. If your work is DRM-protected you are supporting Adobe.

Screen-reader users wanted to listen to books, but some authors don’t want their content to be modified.

Some authors didn’t even understand, accessibility is mandatory for all media. Audio books are now being published,–so blind readers can listen to a book on tape, CD, etc. Authors who reserved all rights for their work are subject to E-mails that are sent by a vendor who is trying to get permission from an author in question. However; the author has rejected the request. He/she is focusing on visual books. However, the screen-reader user can read the E-book anyway.

The screen-reader reads the text that is on the computer’s monitor. It uses a computer-generated voice to speak the highlighted text. The user uses the arrow keys to navigate inside the book.

The author didn’t even want a screen-reader to read the book to the blind user. So he/she hinders the text as a large image.

This is a serious problem because, the author is violating accessibility guidelines. One wrong move can cause your book to be canceled, or worse.

The E-book itself is not copied or modified. It stays intact. Vendors are using software to convert your book into an audio book.

Now these days, device manufacturers are implementing accessibility to all reading devices of any kind. That is a mandatory guideline for blind users. Well, I always keep my content readable at all costs for all blind users who use computers to read books.

Your earnings can’t get a boost because, your book is not compadable to be converted into audio.

Resolving issues with your self-publishing platform what you’re currently using isn’t going to be easy. But you can still contact the administrators for help.

If you are having trouble varifying if your earnings are running; you had an option to contact support for any of a self-publishing platforms what you’ve currently using. Tell them if you had trouble with your earnings. It can take some time for some problems to be fixed.

If you are still publishing more books, and you don’t have any problems with your earnings; wait for a couple of months for your earnings to be sent to you. It can be delayed, or site maintenance might be the source. That applies to people who were unbanked.

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