[FAQ] I’m A Sex Offender… Can I Own A Website Hosted Via Any Hosting Provider Like GreenGeeks?

This is a question what some sex offenders may ask to their probation officers. There are some sex offenders who were business owners, and they often write blogs, publish ebooks, develop games for us play, run a hosting platform, and even run restaurants. Although; sex offender laws vary from state to state. Each sex offender type has a risk level. Typically, low risk offenders often get out of a mess,–after they serve time behind bars, after probation, or even reabilitated after time behind bars. High risk offenders are susceptible to restrictions set by state or federal laws in the USA, or other countries. Many sex offenders were upset because they can’t go online for the purpose of running a business. If you were a sex predator who is running a business; you have to be extra careful!

Sex Offender Laws Vary… Watch Out… If You Were A Sex Offender!

In Florida; sex offenders must reside in certain places that are far from schools, and other places where children play. That can also apply to residential or business locations owned by sex offenders who runs a business, like this guy who is ordered to leave his business that is may be close to schools,–according to Florida’s sex offender laws. This is a common struggle because, sex offenders are trying to change to a different gear, or move forward by starting a new life. If you are in Florida, you must register as a sex offender for the rest of your life,–if you were convicted of sex crimes. Typically, sex offenders… like other people in the USA has their rights infringed! His store that is next to a toy shop was a main concern for shoppers who shop at this store. Residential restrictions are common for many sex offenders.

Although; sex offenders do have a right to start a small or online business, or become a business owner. However; their businesses are susceptible to competition; and they won’t get as much traffic as other businesses owned by other people.

Each state has a different set of regulations for keeping sex offenders at bay. These controverial laws has rendered these sex offenders homeless, and they’re been mistreated by our today’s government. Typically, sex predators are either relocated, or be sent back to prison.

Online Platforms Owned By Sex Offenders Are Susceptible to Being Flagged By Concerned Parents

If a sex offender’s platform is intended to target adults on their platform. For this instance, a blogging platform that requires a person to be at least 21 years of age, or older is fine to start up. That applies to sex offenders who were deregistered from a regestry, and low-risk offenders. However; most sex offenders come from abuse in families, bullying, and other serious factors. Typically, sex addicts are most likely to distribute child pornography, sext, and perform criminal acts online. Facebook, and other platforms prohibit sex offenders from using their platform to establish a profile. There’s a possibility to run a website without needing a Facebook account.

What You Should Do?

Do your time, and avoid contacting with minors on the internet, or at places where children gather. Try finding an adult-targeted locations like a bar, adult movie theater, or any places where children don’t go to.

Try not to watch content that may contain sexual content/themes. Also, avoid possessing pornography of any kind. Instead; you can write a book, and publish it to adult audiences… don’t do it just yet… is you were completing probation and if you are still permitted to access or own your computer… along with internet access, stick with writing a book, or finding alternatives to websites where minors become members. If you’re not sure, you need to speak with your probation officer (for sex offenders on probation), or a professional who is dedicated to work with sex offender. Always check your terms of being registered as a sex offender.

If you were been removed from a sex offender registry,–after you served your time, and your internet rights has been restored; avoid pornography, and choose alternatives to sexual content. You can also do the following:

  • If you were planning to own a website – always update your status. For this instance, you were now a person who is not on a registry; you must take various precautions when using the internet.
  • If you were about to start an online business like a blog to read content, and be targeted to older groups… be sure to disable signups; and implement a TOS page to let visitors know about your site that is intended for adults who were viewing your content. If it lacks sexual content, and you were writing like a person writing a book without sexual themes… keep your content clean. It takes practice.
  • If you are still a sex offender – always update your status on a regular basis. However; if your internet is restricted… comply with sex offender laws. Always get your authority’s permission before starting your website as a business. To prevent minors from communicating with your website, disable comments, signups, and other features what minors may use to share content.
  • Always create entertaining content free of sexual content.

I’m A Sex Offender… I Was Ordered Not To Access A Computer… What Should I Do? I Have Bills To Pay For Website

This is a question what sex offenders ask, and they have no access to the internet to pay bills sent to a sex offender’s inbox via any email platform. This restriction has been infringing their right to own computers, and be online. These online predators who were careful when establishing a small business, or an online business. Some sex offenders who were married can get help from a spouse,–if he/she lives with you, and he/she owns or accesses a computer for other uses.

My Parent Manages My Website For Me… Now It’s No Longer Managed! What Should I Do?

This is pretty scary because, if you only enable your parent to manage your website for you… due to your experience with working with your website is too difficult, or you don’t know how to code… you may need to have a second parent work on it for you, or hire a developer who will run your website,–if your parent as a sex offender has been prohibited from owning/accessing a computer. In some states, sex offenders are banned from the internet altogether! That prevents them from publishing ebooks via online publishing platforms, conduct online business like selling digital goods,communicate with customers, read ebooks, use online services to send/receive email or use online productivity tools like Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Forms, and Google Slides.This is a serious issue what most sex offenders experience everyday. Almost all sex offenders are online.

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