If you Are A Blind Website Owner Who Relies On Reseller Hosting – Watch Out For The Attack Of The Pirates!

What’s the point about being a reseller for a hosting platform,–establishing your own platform for hosting websites for free or paid subscriptions? Hosting a hosting platform for hosting websites enable your users tohost their websites and post content like text, images, and other content formats. Some people post movies what they’ve made from scratch, along with software. Being a reseller for your customers is awsome,–except for some customers who turn into pirates who really take revenue from software developers, movie studios, and music artists

Within this article, we will tell you why you have to be extremely careful when being a reseller for your customers while you’re blind.

Your customer uses your service to pirate movies

If you were dealing with a customer who have high cravings of piracy; you can suspend your customer’s user account for piracy, however; your customer is usually notified by a movie studio,–telling him to remove content from his website. If you respect the copyrights of a movie studio; you must discourage your customers from becoming pirates. Everyday, new and old movies has been pirated by bad guys who often cause our favorite franchises to struggle and stay at float financially. If piracy caused our favorite franchise to go bankrupt, that will be a disaster!

If a customer who pirates movies content scares you away from your hosting business; 100 copies of pirated movies can cause your server to be overwelmed by high processor use. Tipically, you must have permission from a copyright owner to have their content in your server. A legitimate user don’t put movies on websites, but use an affiliate link to link to a movie landing page to enable users to make a payment to view digital content, or write a review of a movie, and rely on legitimate sources to safely link to a product for customers to purchase.

One copy of a pirated film can hurt sales of a legitimate film on a creator’s website, or store.

An irate customer pirates software on your server

Although; the Free Software Foundation encourage us to choose free and open-source software that is legitimate. But it doesn’t mean you can enable customers to use your hosting platform to pirate software, and offer free downloads. Microsoft, WHMCS, and other commercial software developers take piracy seriously,. For this instance, one copy of a pirated software can hurt their revenue. If a customer uploads pirated software to her server; and enable anyone to download illegal copies; that will be a disaster!

You inspected your customer’s website, and you discovered something is not right. You contacted your customer,–regarding piracy of software. But he ignored your message. You notified software developers about your customer who is pirating software, but developers has intervened to warn him to take down content. Your customer has ignored a notice to take down content from his website.

You can fix this problem by suspending a user your service, or removing content from your customer’s file manager, and send a user a notification email,–or you can terminate a user altogether. However; you must be very careful when terminating users.

Sometimes your customers can mask their sources of software to fool administrators who host hosting platforms. Ads on websites where software pirates host pirated software is a known issue. Google AdSense has a policy against piracy of software, but software pirates often mask links to pirated software downloads.

Your user hosts a scraper site

Scraper sites are a problem for website owners, a user highlights code on a website to scrape content to cheat the system; and rip revenue from website owners. If a customer scrapes anyone’s website for revenue, and publishes content to clone a website; it can confuse a user who is trying to visit a legitimate website. If a customer scrapes 1000 website content, and place ads on it, legitimate users may be losing revenue.

If you have a customer who is pirating websites, and he continues to pirate content by scraping code, that will be a serious disaster for your hosting platform.

If you visited your customers’s website, and you discovered content is pirated; you can remove it like usual. That’s important for safety of your hosting platform.

What we just mentioned previously, you can suspend a user from your hosting platform, and remove content like usual. Or you can terminate a user altogether.

What you should do?

Discourage your customers from pirating content, but don’t treat them like criminals! Always draft a TOS page.

Encourage users to create interesting and unique content.

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