If You Have InfoWars Installed On Your Android Device… You Must Remove It!

Unfortunately, InfoWars is still on the internet, but Alex Jones is being sued by parents of victims of Sandy Hook School Shooting! However; Fairies Dreams & Fantasy will never support Alex Jones under any way because, we don’t want fake news to spread on our network of websites. There are over millions of Android Devices still have InfoWars Downloaded,–still supporting Alex Jones. Although; Alex Jones has been banned from PayPal to prevent his content from being supported by other people around the world.

There’s A Way To Shut Down Alex Jones Further

If you have an Android Device, you can unninstall his app from your device, and you can remove all data associated with this app. Unninstalling can be done with various methods like going to your “Apps” list within your settings menu, choosing “Apps”, and finding his apps, and unninstalling them. If your followers of any social networking sites still have his app installed; you must prompt them to remove his apps immediately.

Unfortunately, Google Play Still Support His Apps

After Alex Jones has been banned from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other social platforms; his app still survives on a virtual shelf on Google Play. Although; this app is too big to fail… to big to remove. You can alert Google Play about this problematic app is by flagging it, and sending a report to Google Play, and encouraging your allies to take part to force Google Play to remove apps associated with Alex Jones from their store. Well, if you have APKs from a different resource, you can unninstall it… just like other app.

What If You Have Your Own Social Network Platform With Blogging Capabilities?

If Alex Jones uses your platform to spread fake news, you can remove him from your platform. WordPress multisites enables you to blacklist an email associated with a domain to prevent him from misusing your platform. If you have WHMCS for your reseller account via any hosting platform you do business with, you can use an email blacklist to ban email domains from using your website, or you can deny service altogether.

For RSS Readers

Unsubscribe from Alex Jones’s website, and his other content. If you have an RSS widget on your blog, you can remove a widget altogether, or replace with a new feed.

If you have an RSS reader on your computer; remove it from your listings.

A Hosting Platform Still Supports His website

A hosting platform who is still hosting his websites should be held accountable for supporting Alex Jones’s content, and his apps what he is running. However; if you looked up a host in question… you can be shocked because, a hosting platform is still keeping his website at float,–literally getting payments from this guy who caused a major issue to our community. What an outrage!! Something must be done.

If you discovered his website, don’t link to it. If you already did… unlink immediately.

What You Should Do?

Boycott Alex Jones, and his websites,–and his content. If you found a hosting company hosting his sites; most likely this host is corrupted, and a hosting company should be held accountable for supporting Alex Jones.

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