Where Should I Implement My Drean Journal?

Many people who run single WordPress site as a traditional blog. Most traditional blogs has been implemented by many people all over the world. That can range from a single blogger to multiple authors on 1 blog,–sharing it. However some people who were running a blog wanted to write a dream journal too! You are using categories, but you wanted to implement a dedicated blog where your thoughts of your dreams can be shared to the public,–like most bloggers around the world. It is possible to share these dreams what you had for a long time. This is very useful if you wanted to have dedicated topics, and categories that will keep your content sorted.

Dream journals can come in many sizes,–ranging from big to small. You can start a dream blog when you first starting your own site via any paid hosting platform… or you can start from a free blogging platform. But some free blogging platforms has too much dictatorship of what content is allowed.

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WordPress Magic: When Writing Posts As Chapters In A Book… Use 1 Category

Wondering about these posts what I write as chapters in a book on my main site? Long before,–during the time of my content hosted on Blogger,–owned by google. I experimented on writing blog posts as chapters in a book. Writing a blog as a book is the another way of using your website as a online book what you are writing. Whether if you were just writing a simple fictional story, or a set of stories like a box of books. But some people didn’t even understand. If you didn’t provide categories to your set of posts, your stories won’t be organized as you expected to be organized.

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Update: Chromevox Still Stalls & Stutters When Writing Posts With Over 5700 Words

Okay… I experimented with writing and editing a post on my website. I managed to reach up to 5700 words on my post via WordPress,–editing stories. This is the another issue what Chromevox developers didn’t say to us. You thought Chromevox is getting better… but this is a sign of false-advertising.

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Chromevox Still Stall and stutter when writing long posts with over 4000 words

For… the past years; I figured out why Chromevox is still stalling when writing long posts that contains over 4000 words. I’ve been figuring out why Chromevox still stalls when writing extremely long posts via self-hosted WordPress, Blogger, Bandcamp, Editpad, Google+, and other text-editing programs. If you were using Chromevox,–even the newer version… WATCH OUT… stalling still occurs,–not limited to typing fast, but typing slowly. If you’re not sure if you still have a problem what I’m still experiencing… I’ll show you how to reproduce that problem, and send it to the developers of Chromevox,–after you reproduced a problem.

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WordPress Sites/Blogs Hosted/Self-hosted & the default Descending Posts when Writing A Site As A Book

For the past years; I’ve been working with my sites as I write content like a book. I believe some people may experience some difficulties when reading posts that are written like chapters of a book. If you have posts that are long as 4000 words, and you were trying to segment your long stories into chapters; you may encounter some problems when some of your visitors have trouble navigating on your site,–reading from one post to the another.

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