Text-Adventure Games Hosted On Websites Hosted Via GreenGeeks Can Use SQL Or Plain HTML

Many text-adventure game developers who host websites on GreenGeeks are planning on writing only html text-adventure games, or use an SQL database to run their games. However; if your host supports SQL; you can create a database for enabling users to store info as they play games. However; if you have an SQL injection attacking your website; your site can be affected by bad guys. HTML pages with plain html code is the another option,–if you want your users to play your games without needing to create an account. This is useful if you want to make a text-adventure game by interlinking your html files. Since they don’t take that much data to run your servers… you can host as many html files you want. This is a great approach when you are just writing a static website for your play area of your website, just like I’m developing it.

If you have an html text-adventure game on your website, you can implement ads to monetize your text-based games. Monetizing your text-based games will be mentioned later in this article.

If you chose an SQL method of presenting text-based games

Whether if you have a WordPress multisite; or a single blog, you can turn your CMS into an online text-based game. This approach is ideal for users who wanted to create an account, and play your text-based games. You can setup pages that will be linked to each other. With WordPress; you can setup subpages for containing levels, rooms, actions, and other things what you want your game to include! Typically; subpages on most websites show static text/content, and you can write as much content you want. Whether if your text-based game acts like a book with a story, or a paragraph with actions below it.

Say if you make a game about cats… like a maze with cats that you can ride, or walk alongside; your game can have a theme of cats. Or if your game is a long form of a text-based game; you can enable your player to read as much of 10 or more paragraphs,–just like a book.

You can create content within a CMS,–without needing to create folders, files, and scripts,–and other files.

You can update your file in a fly with an app that links to your device, or log into your site, and edit content like managing your blog. You can also customize your site with widgets; and other items.

If you chose html files

Do you have a classic approach? You don’t want to take up your disk space; you can use html files to make your text-based games; just like what I’m doing now!

HTML files are smaller in size, and you can write them with all of your code in it. If you were making a text-based game that is formed with linked pages; you can make a set of choices. This method is common for people who can code games with their own code. Useful if you want to skip the CMS. Your text-based game can run as fast as any other website with CMS.

You just log into your server; and upload your files and folders to it. This strategy can take time. If you were planning on having someone to comment on a game what you just made; a third party commenting system is needed. Facebook, and other services offer commenting plugins.

If you want anyone to share your game, you must find scripts from a reputable source. Watch out for warez developers who offer illegal warez scripts. Always watch out for these bad guys.

This method of developing this game can take some time; and it can take days, months, or years to get your game developed.


Monetizing your text-based games is one way for your visitors to play your games for free,–without needing to pay for a game to play. You can implement an interstitial ad, banners, or a survey prompt to monetize your website.

If you were monetizing your text-based games; be sure to disclose all advertisements contained in your text-based games what you developed. If you were using Google AdSense; keep 1 ad above content, and place a header “Advertisements” or “Sponsored Links” above the ad unit. If you were using any other ad networks to monetize your content; check their documentation for information about implementing ads.

My strategy of monetizing my text-based game is by implementing ads inside my text-based, above the content. This is useful to enable your users to find your ad above your content. But don’t encourage your users to click on your ads. If they’re interested with this ad; let them decide if this ad is right for them.

If your game has an offerwal to unlock a room; this is useful for your users to unlock useful features in your game. I haven’t implemented a strategy just yet. But this strategy is useful if you want to keep your visitors playing your games without needing to pay a penny for playing your content.

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