You Still Need 1 Windows Computer… Despite Owning Linux Machines

Okay, I am still experimenting with one of my computers that requires a specific OS that is designed to run a specific machine. I do have 3 Linux machines, but I’ve converted one of them back to Windows because, I may need it for other uses. I am currently using my 2-in-one PC as a dedicated machine torun Hideout TV and other apps, but this machine is designed to only use Windows as a prefered OS. It’s okay to have so many Linux machines, but you need at least 1 Windows machine to do other things. However; I’ll discuss about why you still need a Windows machine.

If You Only Have Linux Computers

If you only use Linux for your normal everyday use, and you only rely on open-source software; most likely you can still do many things what you do in Windows. If you converted a gaming laptop to a Linux gaming PC as you remove Windows; you can still play games, but you need to designate a dedicated gaming PC that only run Windows. In Linux, you can have accounts like Windows, and even kids can have accounts, but many people have questions about this. Even you have plenty of these machines in your home or company who relies on Linux as a default OS.

Linux does save money, and you don’t need to visit Microsoft’s website and install Windows.

With any Linux distribution; you can use other apps; if you were using Virtualbox, and you have trouble with Windows, most likely, your machine is not capable enough to run Windows as a guest OS. If you managed to use Windows as a Guest OS as an everyday guest for your PC; watch out for possible stuttering and stalling when using Windows inside your virtual machine… this is kind of annoying when you were trying to use it for editing long books, view videos, and other activities. Even you have at least 8 GB of RAM or more; Windows inside Virtualbox still stutter and stalls. This is a bug that isn’t fixed for a long period oftime in my opinion. Although; you can still rebuild your virtual machine anytime, but you need to redo activation of your Windows install when installing. Windows can run in a virtual server, but all of that bloated features has caused Windows to slow down,–causing you to use apps that you have no intention to use. Despite Windows is an OSs by Microsoft… it can still be installed inside your virtual machine.

With relying on Linux, you rely on similar apps what you were familiar using on Windows. If you were born in a family who disallow Microsoft Windows on your PC; most likely you haven’t discover Windows just yet,–unless you take a look a a computer lab.

Using Wine to run Windows apps can be tricky, andit can be too difficult to use, and you must find ways to run these apps, or you must find alternative apps.

You May Need Access To A Windows Computer If You Want To Do This:

Despite relying on Ubuntu Linux; I decided to diversify OSs as I set only 2/3 of my machines as Linux… only 1/3 runs Windows. I’ve realized this form of proprietary drivers that are associated with an Onn tablet can’t work with Ubuntu.

Use As A Dedicated Machine For Running Rewarding Apps

Although; you can still use Ubuntu to use Hideout TV to earn points as you view content. However; if you have a Chromebook; ads appear on this website targeting Chrome OS are always low in stock. Windows usually has more ad traffic than Chrome OS and Linux. FireFox browsers running on your machine is a way to get your viewing experience set with a privacy-enabled features activated. However; you can still use your fresh Windows machine to run rewarding apps. Here’s what I’ve just did as I run my Linux machine when using rewards providers:

Running Hideout TV On Linux

I visited Hideout TV and choose videos to view on my desktop computer, but this desktop computer only has 4 GB of RAM… I do have plans to expand more RAM on my desktop to get the most from my machine, and run other apps.

Running Windows

This is my current test what I’m currently doing. I am running Hideout TV as I use my Linux machines for most uses like Windows, but my Windows PC must be used for other uses. Well, I don’t store my personal files on my Windows PC as a way to keep viruses from harming my system. Well, only my Linux machines are designed for developing software, and relying on privacy features what Windows don’t have. Like relying on open-source software; it saves me money, but Windows is NOT open-source. I only use Windows when running other apps is kind of difficult.

Run other software without using a virtual machine

Although; I used a virtual machine on both of my linux machines, but only 1 machine natively use Windows a default OS, but this OS. Although; this machine got Windows back inside. Fortunately, it has an embedded product key inside the circuitboard. Well, this machine running Ubuntu earlier has been linked to a touchscreen not responding. It’s like a cheap generic tablet what I’ve bought from a store. However; I’ve just successfully got Windows restored like usual.

As I ran Virtualbox on my laptop; I discovered this virtual machine often stutter and stall. However; having a native Windows PC with 2 of my Linux machines enable me to have ease of access of a native machine, but I do have plans to install Virtualbox on my Windows machine as a way to have Linux reside inside Windows. Although; I’ve discouraged this earlier. But this should only be done for 1 Windows machine out of 3 of your machines. Well, don’t have too many Linux machines in your home or business. Keep a max of 75% of your machines running Linux, and 25% running Windows.

Play DVDs and CDS,–and other encrypted media

Unfortunately, Linux doesn’t play encrypted media because, it’s designed to lay DRM-free content. Even a DVD that is burned via a website where you have a license to burn your own DVD will NOT work,–unless you are making your own movie.

With Windows; you have access to playing encrypted media. Windows relies on proprietary software to play these media types. Alternatively; you can play a disc on your dedicated player.

To Diversify Your Linux and Windows Computers

Follow these detailed steps to diversify your machines with Linux and Windows:

1: Buy New Computers

If you don’t own any PC, and you were shopping for a new computer, be sure to choose a computer that is rightfor you. For this instance; I’ve chosen an HP desktop and laptop. Be sure to note howyou will set these machines. Make a decisionif you wanted to keep Windows in one of these machines. If not; read the next step. If you designate 1 PC; keep an install of Windows intact.

Use the following guidelines if you were buying these PCs:

  • 1 TB or more with either 4 GB or higher (laptops included)
  • Fast network speeds
  • Easy to upgrade hardware.

2. Designate PCs To Be Used As Linux PCs

If you already downloaded Ubuntu and burned a disc image to USB or DVD; turn off secured boot, and fast boot. This is necessary to remove these unwanted restrictions. As you install Linux on your machine; be sure to remove Windows altogether. This is necessary to remove Microsoft Windows to prevent Microsoft from controlling your PC.

Once your machines are ready to use like usual… be sure to set accounts if you have a company or home.

If you converted a new PC to a Linux machine, and you backed up your data, you may need to perform other system modifications that will suit your machine’s use.

3. Designate A Windows PC

Upgrade to a Pro version of Windows,–after you created a Microsoft account. Use that machine as your designated Windows PC. Be sure to confirm if your machine uses smaller date storage like a 256 SSD; and your Linux machine uses a high storage of 512 SSD or higher.

Go to Microsoft’s official website, and purchase a Pro version of Windows 10 or any future OS. If you were designate your machine to use 8 GB of RAM for your Windows machine.; be sure to keep settings intact. You must have a Pro version of Windows to have offline accounts as a way to control your machine without needing to connect to your Microsoft Account, but you can connect your Account later on. You can designate your Windows PC to run rewarding apps like Hideout TV, or other rewarding apps.

If you kept your designated Windows machine for a long haul, and you still have Linux machines; you can have a max of 25% of Windows machines in your home or company. Having Linux as a majority in your home or company is important to keep your privacy protected by 75%.

Be aware; your Linux computer can still use older hardware like floppy disk drives, and other legacy hardware. However; if you managed to code in Linux, and port your software and games to these OSs; you can enable Linux users to become a member of a gaming community.

Always be careful with software what you’re using. Even if you were saving some money; don’t be fooled by other developers.

Don’t forget to set a background or screensaver to enable people to find out if Windows is installed, or tag Linux machines with special tags.


Having at least 1 Windows PC in your home or business is an important fallback machine if you wanted to port any software what you develop to multiple platforms. This is necessary for testing if your work can run on these machines.

If you only use Virtualbox; you are missing out on use of your native Windows machine. It’s okay to have a plenty of Linux machines in your company or home, but at least 1 Windows machine is a must for your ability to diversify your machines.

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