[FAQ] Can I run A Family Blog On My Server Hosted Via GreenGeeks?

This is a question what some parents are asking. You can run a family blog, well, a family blog supposed to be free of content that is violent, that also include threats of spanking, and other illegal activities. Typically, family blogs are composed of photos, videos, text, music, and other content. However, family blogs are common on free blogging platforms. Free blogging platforms have strategic limits to start off with. You must be at least 13 years of age to use any platform,–or you must be at least 18 years of age to register to certain services like paid-hosting platforms. Many parents have asked questions about these hosting platforms. It’s possible to launch your own inhouse platform on your own website. A family blog doesn’t have to have 1 administrator running a large blog.

Many parents have these following questions:

  • Can I publish a family blog?
  • I run my own inhouse multisite, can my own kids run their own blog?
  • Can I run a family blog, and make money with it?

Use your imagination, your family blog is your blog, but you have to take various cautions when running a family blog, one serious mistake can lead your family blog being canceled, and may land you in court. There are some content that are regulated by our government in the USA, or other countries.

Other Questions What Parents may Ask:

How do I sort my content on my family blog?

Try setting up a WordPress multisite! It’s like your personal version of wordpress.com! That enables you to sort your content types what you are publishing. Whether if you are publishing product reviews, travel journals, restaurant reviews, family stories, news, fictional content, general blogs, etc.
Having your own multisite enables you to write content, and publish them on a regular basis. You can publish fictional content on a timed schedule like a TV program, spread the news, and even post videos on your own website,–without needing to rely on YouTube.

If you want to use subdomains on 1 install of WordPress

Be aware, a wildcard subdomain is required to have multisites on your own domain to work

If using a subdirectory

A subdirectory is useful if you prefer to set aside subdomains for other uses. This is very useful when you are relying on a host who don’t support subdomains. GreenGeeks supports subdomains. That makes it easier for you. If you prefer subdirectories, you can choose if you want. It’s your blog, you decide.

My family is dedicated to be software coders, and bloggers! We write as a living. Can my children own their own blog?

You can let your kids own their own blogs, but you must monitor content on a regular basis. Always keep track what they’re adding to your website, or if you have a single blog… set your content to be approved by an administrator.
If you have teenagers, educate them about what content what you should avoid posting online. This is necessary to prevent erotic content from being distributed, and exploited by sex predators. Like educating them why sexting is against the law. Don’t let them post sexual content on their website. Being sexy doesn’t mean you’re beautiful! Helping your teens stay away from erotica is necessary because, that prevents spread of child pornography. Since sexual activity is not suitable for minors… you must get your teens steered away from sexual content.
If you have adult at age 18; you may need to prompt them to start their own website, or ask if ads should be placed on his/her website.
If your children’s blogs contain creative content from your children who write short stories, you may need to group content to categories.

Can I add a paid section of website for my subscribers who are visiting my website?

This is possible. If you use any plugin on your WordPress site for setting up memberships, you can have subscribers who can come to your site. This is very suitable for passive income, and ad-free experience for your members around the world. Why subscriptions? These are the following factors:

  • You wanted to gradually move out of poverty, and continue serving ads for freely avilable content.
  • Like other professional bloggers, you keep a steady stream of income. The New York Times, The Wallstreet Journal, and other big bloggers use paywalls to sell subscriptions.
  • Advertisers reduce advertising costs on your website, if you still have ads on your site; you can still use ad revenue as additional income to run your site like normal.

If you kept writing new content; and your site grows, you can have a stable income stream.
Common ways how family blogs fail are the following:

  • Lack of monetization – parents relying on assistive funds for living, and other uses. If a blog doesn’t have any ads to supplement income for a website owner, and a parent fails to monetize content, there’s no way for a parent to care for a child. A regular job isn’t enough.
  • Wasting money on unnecessary services like cable subscriptions – your earned income from your website is used for your hosting bill what you must pay, that includes a renewing your domain what you own. If you made some money; and you waste it on other services, you may experience difficulties. Difficulties like struggling to pay a bill. Untold; many family blogs has been terminated because, a parent is in serious debt, or gambled too much.

I have a business blog… where to implement it?

You can install a dedicated instance of WordPress on your server. Don’t mix it with your personal content.
Business content should be published on a dedicated blog. You must have a dedicated account for business use.

Why is my family blog not receiving traffic?

Try finding an ad network who will list your blog to be advertised. This is a paid method of getting traffic to your blog. If you pay for advertising on a regular basis; you can grow your audience. If your have ads on it; you can easily monetize your content.
Publishing your content and sharing it to social networking websites is the another way to promote your content, but you must have followers who will see your content. Twitter is the known site to promote your blog via content what you are sharing.
If you want to have people see your content, you got to have traffic.
Don’t post a comment for the purpose of promoting your blog. Read similar blogs, and be inspired by other creators.
You must create content, and publish on a regular basis to get traffic to your site, and add it to search engine like Google. The larger the blog; the more visitors you’ll get. Don’t scrape any content on other blogs!

I published each post via automation by setting dates and time… and there’s a day… what is going on?

Don’t assume your publishing times will be used by your sechedule. Servers must make room for other automations. If you manages to publish content like a running TV channel; you can get more readers, and you can publish like a breadcater. If you use this method; you can enable visitors to follow your blog with fresh content!
If you managed to publish 132 postson your website; and you publish on a later date, you can publish new content after your scheduled content. If you take a look of a TV running shows on a schedule, they set it up with automation. New content is distributed to a network for consumers to watch.

Many family blogs come in many genres! If you chose a correct genre; choose your audience carefully.

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