Strategic Subdomain Setup

Many business owners who already preformed their website with their own content as a way to get audience to read their content early, before a website is converted into a website ran by a business,–after strategic planning of their website. Some business owners has bought other businesses, and started rebranding these companies to give them a new lease of life. You can choose to keep a domain name of a business what you bought recently, or migrate it to your subdomain, and rebrand it,–or park an existing domain for your subdomain, or even keep the domain active.

Subdomains always make it easy to save money on domain ownership. For this instance… Walmart chooses to own for people who use debit cards provided by Walmart. Both of these domains owned by Walmart are common examples via the real world.

Subdomains Save Money

If you rely on subdomains, and you provide your users services to use your website, you can save more money. TTypically, subdomains are usually useful when you spread out your products and services. For this instance, you provide movies to watch,–created by own studio, and your domain is This money-saving method of providing products and services is easier than buying a dedicated domain for your service. If your business grows, and you provided other services, and you have these sites set; here are the following examples:

  • – use this strategy to setup your online version of your store for selling products/services.
  • – use this strategy to create a forum service for your users.
  • – if your movie studio is for people, use this strategy to provide a self-publishing service for people who publish independent movies.
  • – got theme parks… use this strategy to list your theme parks.
  • – got restaurants for your customers… use this strategy to list restaurants what you owned.
  • – got hotels… use this strategy to list your hotel listings, and booking services for hotel room rentals.

Subdomain-based websites are common when setting up blogs, image directories, running apps, and more. Stash for this instance has used subdomains to runn apps, provide support material, and a blog with financial topics when users invest their money. This strategy is necessary because, it’s easier for users to navigate inside their website/app.

If you use any Google product with a subdomain via… subdomains are set by a company. YouTube is taking this strategy too!

What happens if you don’t choose subdomains

Say if ESPN continues to decline, and Disney struggles to keep ESPN running. Subscriber count begins to decrease further. Cord-cutting speeds up, and the website associated with ESPn may experience some debt, and ad revenue begins to dwindle. In my opinion; corporate debt begins to rise.

If you manage multiple domains, and your domain fails to make profit via ad sales, your domain may be unpopularr. If any of your websites are popular, and you have other sites, and you have too many domain, it may be difficult to manage all of your domains. For this instance, your business is in debt, and you can’t recover; you may be short on funds, or your customers has dwindled because, they boycotted your company. SeaWorld for this instance is experience rising debt. If SeaWorld falls into debt; their domain will expire, and fail to renew like normal.

Business debt can be scary because, it can hurt your credit.

Subdomains are your heros!

Subdomains help cut costs, and your money can be saved like normal. If you don’t want to own a different domain alongside your primary domain that is popular? Creating a Subdomain via my favorite control panel via CPanel is a breeze to keep costs down, and uner control.

Subdomains can save your business money.

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