Tired of Setting Up A Multinetwork Via WordPress? You can Have Multiple Instances Of WordPress

Many site owners via any web-hosting services has been relying on a multinetwork plugin to create a multinetwork. For this instance, you wanted to have a dedicated subdomain where you can implement an action center, or other sections of your site via directories. This is useful if you wanted to enable users to read content that is published on each site that is relevant, and you wanted to manage a directory-based multisite. However; you can still export your content, and you can import content to your new instance of wordpress, but you may need to reconfigure your site after that.

The Experiment

Here’s what I just did as I free up my multisite for newer relevant sites to be clustered:

  1. First, I chosen which site to export my content. I decided to clear this website from my multisite to free up space for my newly created content in the future.
  2. I use the easy to use installer to install WordPress via a new subdomain, and enable multisite. That will also enable me to categorize posts via each site with its own dedicated categories.
  3. I imported the content to my newly created subdomain, and I relinked my navigation bar. This is necessary to enable me to implement a directory-based site later on.
  4. However; I still needed to implement a logo on my website, but I’ll do this later.

Now, I can enable my websites to be extremely relevant with relevant posts, and other content.

Thoughts of setting up a dedicated instance of WordPress

This is kind of like getting an apartment with 2 or more rooms, or a dedicated house with lots of rooms. No cramming content, no cramming media, and no need to worry about irrelevant content that is confusing.

However; the catch is: There’s no way to share ads across the network, and there was a plugin that was used to be available on a WordPress plugins directory, but this plugin is kind of abandoned as abandonware, and there’s no way to refactor the code to make the plugin work with my liking.

I need to create some new ad units, and I have to be careful not to activate my own ads. Alternatively, I can use a related post script that contains ads, but you won’t see them when you are logged in EngageYa is the known widget that enables you to monetize your content with relevant ads. Earlier, I tried Shareaholic… and I have to be careful as I use this content, and I have to use these controls that are NOT friendly for the blind.

I used the following plugins to enable my site to have banners that can rotate, but I have to choose free versions that are right for me. I tried Advert, the plugin, it was not updated for a long time, and I have to remove it to resolve some issues with my website. Since my sites what I currently weren’t SSL-protected… that is a current issue for some blind site owners, and there’s no such special pricing to resolve this issue. Only a VPS hosting plan can enable you to have a free SSL for your website. That causes my browser my Chromebook to ring up an SSL error message, and there’s no way to bypass this error.

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