Where Should I Implement My Drean Journal?

Many people who run single WordPress site as a traditional blog. Most traditional blogs has been implemented by many people all over the world. That can range from a single blogger to multiple authors on 1 blog,–sharing it. However some people who were running a blog wanted to write a dream journal too! You are using categories, but you wanted to implement a dedicated blog where your thoughts of your dreams can be shared to the public,–like most bloggers around the world. It is possible to share these dreams what you had for a long time. This is very useful if you wanted to have dedicated topics, and categories that will keep your content sorted.

Dream journals can come in many sizes,–ranging from big to small. You can start a dream blog when you first starting your own site via any paid hosting platform… or you can start from a free blogging platform. But some free blogging platforms has too much dictatorship of what content is allowed.

If you chosen to rely on a free blogging platform:

Be sure to be very careful if you had these posts about your dreams being published. Be sure to check the TOS page if its possible to write content that may affect other bloggers. If dictatorship is an issue… create a petition via any of these select platforms as you perfrom a search via any search engine.

If you were just adventuring to make a dream journal… give it a try.

For Blogger users:

Go to blogger.com and either create a new blog, or repurpose your older blogs. If you were just creating a new blog on Blogger, give your blog a name, and give it a URL that will match your dream blog title.

If you are hooking your external blog to your domain via a subdomain… you can name your subdomain “dream-blog” followed by your domain what you own. You need to create a cname record for your blog, and you need to be comfortable with working with a zone editor.

Once your blog is ready to be used for your dream journal, pop in a first post, or place in your files that will be posts for your dream journal,–if you were just making a blog inside your local computer.

You can write long posts about dream to give it more detail about your dreams what you had for a long time.

Always monitor your blog foor possible signs of malware, spam, and other unwanted items. Don’t place ads on your dream blog because, some of your posts may be susceptible to takedowns that are fraudulent. Alternatively, you can sell your own items, or services on your blog to support your websites.

Keep publishing new entries on your blog, and you will grow your reader overtime. If any of your dreams has inspired other people… you may get some commenters who were going to do the same form of blogging like usual.

For Self-Hosted WordPress users:

If you rely on a paid hosting service, you can implement a new install of WordPress via a subdomain! You can sort your content this way,–so you can expand your site. You can leave it as a traditional blog, or a static site. WordPress always evolve because, its a powerful CMS what we used everyday. Unlike most free platforms… you can customize it like a virtual house.

You can do the same thing like Blogger.

If you never do this before, follow these steps below:

  1. Go to your hosting panel, and create a subdomain.
  2. Go to wordpress.org, and download their zip file, if you prefer to install WordPress manually. This is a fun part if you wanted to install it your way.
  3. Extract your zip file to the folder for the subdomain where you want your site to run. Don’t forget to move these files to the root directory of your subdomain.
  4. Edit your wp-config.php file within your hosting panel, or FTP, if you prefer to edit it offline.
  5. Create a database, and a database user for your new site via a subdomain.
  6. add important data for your website to your wp-config.php. You may need to save your changes each time.
  7. Complete the install of your website, and Set it up with your liking.

These steps above is kind of fun,–if you wanted to do manual installs of wordpress for your server. This is useful if you wanted to save money on expensive 1-click scripts that are NOT free at all! If you already had a 1-click script installer, don’t forget to choose your domain/subdomain for your dream journal that is designed to be dedicated for your website.

Write all of your posts, or import your existing posts from a different blog where you are experiencing a total clutter of your content. Or if you had stored journal entries on your computer, bring them to your blog in bulk, and tag them. Don’t forget to add categories to your blog,–to sort all of your content.

For Hosted WordPress users:

No need to have a server, just sign up for a free account. Yyou can own a domain if you want to. But if you were about to use a subdomain… you may need to upgrade to a paid account.

You just blog like normal like other free blogging platform.

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