Draft2Digital Website Changes… But Most Parts Are Still NOT Blind Accessible

Recently; I was waiting for Draft2Digital to implement more accessible controls that are easy to use. However; the vendor selector has been changed so far, and the publishing wizard has been changed, and the edit boxes are accessible. But the “Rights Confirmation” section is NOT accessible for the blind. This section is really important for the blind person to operate because, if the section is NOT accessible… bad things will occur. Since I don’t have any screenshots to show you what’s exactly happening.

The Problem

Looks like is accessible… but the section to confirm your rights to your content is NOT. If you ever try to click on these choices with a screen-reader… nothing will happen,–especially if you were using Chromevox, or other screen-readers that are used each day.

I need to delist a book to prevent issues from ringing up. This is important for safety because, the section what I mentioned needs some accessible fixes.

Here’s what I did: I contacted support via email to send them a report, I provided steps to reproduce a problem, and I provided more of the details about the issue what I just wrote. However; Draft2Digital doesn’t have a dedicated forum where you can join it, and report problems there. BBPress is the known forum software,–the WordPress way. You don’t need to rely on traditional forum software to run a forum. There are 2 types of BBPress, there’s a plugin, and a full version.

I investigated the layout section, the good news is: They removed the confirmation checkbox, and the button, and replaced with simple Previous and Next buttons. That is one accessible fix so far. But the final page where publishing take place still needs some fixes.

Only the sign in page is accessible because, it relies on a simple form.

Right now; only the “Avanced Account Settings”, and other pages are NOT accessible.

The book page where the edit icon, and the delist button is located hasn’t been changed for some years. It just stays this way, but not changes has been applied,–since I first filed a report about this website that is NOT accessible at all. If A blind person made a mistake; the risks are: delisting a book, or deleting a book altogether.

Nobody wants to wait for a website to be blind accessible… they wanted these sites to be accessible immediately. All websites must be accessible for the blind. If you had a browser that blocks images… that can be a serious issue too.

What You Should Do

Try to use a different computer, or a mobile device to use their website.

If accessibility problems occur; email them a report, but never use any foul words, death threats, or any other content,–otherwise; your email will not be read. You can bracket a summary of your issue, then describe your issue. At the message body; type your clear report,–along with option suggestions. Be sure to describe clearly what’s going on. Send it after you are done.

Wait for changes to be applied to a website via a site administrator.

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