What Should I Sell On My Website Hosted Via GreenGeeks?

Some people has started their online stores as a way to make money, and some people has been selling tangible goods to make room for their home because, they have a garage sale, a move out sale, or in some cases, people started selling crafts from scratch.

Selling items on your website is now common on the internet, but you need to ship your products because, you need to be responsible with shipping your products.

Many people have these questions:

  • Should I sell digital products?
  • Should I sell adverising slots to my advertisers directly?
  • Should I sell memberships on my website?
  • Should I sell my own ebooks?

You can sell anything, but there are some regulations what you need to consider when selling items on your website via GreenGeeks, and you need to take a look of their terms carefully.

If you were just curious which of the following are prohibited by law when selling items; here are the following what you should avoid when selling items on your website:

Avoid selling copyrighted content on your website,–unless you had a permission from a copyright-owner. Alternatively, look for an affiliate network that enables you to link to their content, and users can buy movies, books, music, and other items. If you are a vendor, be sure to check for possible scams made by copyright-owners.

Avoid selling illegal sexual content, and other illegal adult content that is prohibited by law.

Avoid providing material to terrorist groups because, you may end up losing your website, and you may be end up in prison, or worse.

Avoid distribution of malware, if you suspected your site is infected, get assistance from a hosting service immediately.

If you are just selling your own items on your website for the purpose of full control of your products, be sure to describe what you are selling, do a research of your own products.

If you were selling ads for your advertisers, be sure to render services like you should.

If you are a blind website owner, you may need to ask your hosting provider for a special pricing of SSL certificates, or a special hosting service that supports SSL for your website.

If you were a blogger, and you offer premium content, create paywalls, you can get lots of subscribers to come to your website. Since it doesn’t rely on advertisements to fund your website… your passive income stream enables you to pay for your own hosting services from your earned income.

Passive income is an alternative to adverts being displayed on your website via subscriptions.

If your products can be bought by customers, create new products each time, and run your online store/site as normal.

Woocommerce is the known WordPress plugin that enables you to run a store seemlessly. This is useful if you wanted to run your own shop within your website, or a dedicated site with a “store” subdomain.

Before I had my own website, I tried out these online stores that are free to sign up for ; and I believe these sites just won’t do:

  • Flickrocket – This is an online store where you can sell digital products. What I dislike about this service, they have DRM settings that are NOT right for me, and it doesn’t support individual store owners who don’t have a company name. I stopped using this service because, it’s not blind friendly.
  • Payloads Sell Downloads – This is the another place where you can sell downloads! But This service doesn’t support blind sellers, like I am. I’ve also stopped using this site because, they have invasive upselling of advanced features.
  • Payhip – This is an online shop that you can sell digital products for free. You need to have a PayPal, or Stripe account to sell digital products. And your PayPal account needs to be varified via a linked bank, or credit card. I still use this service as a “fallback” option,–if I need to sell items that are not hosted on my website.

I’ve also looked up other stores that are too expensive for me to run. These are the following online estores what I don’t use:

  • Shopify – This a a paid version of an online store what you can use to sell digital products, tangible goods, and other goods. Shopify only has a free trial, and you need to pay for this service to run your own store. Since is totally expensive than Payhip… this is a website intended for people who make more money, or people who can sell products without any trouble. They do have an affiliate program available, but you have to sign up for account to join their affiliate program.

If you were just selling items on your website, and you were just relying on external hosts, you need to check with these other hosts who were providing services for small website owners. If your website gets bigger, you may need to upgrade to a larger version of a service for your customers, and yourself.

Most online stores don’t come from nowhere! They’re started by people,–from all over the world. Most hosting companies sell their services on their websites to enable customers to lease server space to host their own sites, and run their own store.

When you run your own website to sell services, or goods. You needed a hosting service, or rent/purchase a building for your servers to be contained. You also needed a domain for your site.

Most businesses who are owning sites rely on their resources, or both. If you chosen to have your files in the cloud, and you have local servers where you process digital goods for updating… your online website is going to have updates posted,–if you are a digital content vendor.

If you have more customers coming to your website, and they rely on your services for years to come.

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