Which Should I Choose To Present Content… Static Html Files Or Use CMS?

So, you are deciding on using a CMS like WordPress or you wanted to just drop in your html files for your website. Those are multiple ways to display content on your website. Sometimes, it may affect how much storage what you will take up overtime. And sometimes, your space on your server gets crowded with some of these SQL files. These files can take up more space than a static html file can take.

If you can take a closer look of your site’s disk space, via your control panel, you can see why your hosting provider has set your storage via your hosting plan. These hosting plans are set by a company,–so they can set special uses for your website. For this instance, you host a text-adventure gaming site for your gamers who are blind, most of these games don’t use graphics, but text on their browsers. Most of these games are implemented with a group of html files linked, or a JS file that tells an html page what to do. Javascript files are useful for programming text-based games, and they don’t need databases to display content, and they don’t take up processor power.

If You Chose To Use Static HTML Files:

HTML files are static files on your server. They display content on your users’ browsers. These browsers grab these files to present content to users who were viewing content on the web. Since they don’t take lots of space, it only takes more space as you add more content to your static pages. You can display a large online ebook what you’ve just written, a manual, a news article, a text-adventure game with linked files, a digital poster, and more. These files usually target client browsers, they’re usualy efficient when serving content. No use of an SQL database, no need to signing into your admin dashboard, no need to remember passwords, and no need to run updates, but you still need to update your software on your server.

You can rely on this method of running a website if you are not going to use a database to store content. It’s kind of like developing without rules! No need to enter passwords to log into your website, but use your FTP client, or log into your website directly to edit these files. I use Turbo Client as my prefered FTP client. If you rely on a text-editing program offline, you can write new pages, and publlish them later on your website,–if you are back online. These files are built to be edited directly, or via uploading updated files by overriding them.

If a user wants to browse content on your website, a user just go through these links displayed on your site, or use a search engine.

These HTML files are smaller in size then other files, but you can experiment creating a large file, it can take some time to reach 1 MB of your file. If you have 1000 of these pages, it can reach up to 1 GB to take up a 100 GB plan. If you have these large html files that is as large as a 10-MB ebook, it can take 100 of these books to take 1 GB.

Why This Is A Case:

You are on a strict budget because, you wanted to only provide text-based content for your audience, and you are only relying on html files to enable blind users with screen-readers to enjoy content. If you have ads on your website, text ads are an only option because they’re compliant with accessibility laws around the world. You are using a small hosting plan that doesn’t involve use of a databases, images, videos, or other content types that can take lots of power, and bandwith.

You are hosting a website for the blind users who play games. You wanted to support blind communities who wanted to become gamers, just like other people. And unlike games with graphics, a blind user’s device takes less processing power. If you had a Chromebook, and you are comparing it to your mobile Android device, you can figure out how fast your site can run. If your games are responsive via CSS; you can enable mobile users to play games too!

You only host text-based content,–if you are a reseller.

You wanted to use HTML files because, you don’t have room to install WordPress, or you don’t have enough requirements to install other CMS software.

You just have a search engine site where you enable people to search on your site.

You don’t use CMS because, you have concerns,–regarding illegal hacking, or malware hacking into your admin dashboard.

You have an extremely small storage plan <5 GB. This is not suitable for running a WordPress blog. But you can work around this by hosting only html files, or upgrading to a higher storage plan.

If You Chosen To Use A CMS:

We use this everyday, and we rely on it because, it’s easy to use, and you don’t need to manage files manually. And many websites are using it.

Since CMSs use databases, that can take up storage overtime as you blog, write stories, write reviews, and other activities. This is common for all bloggers around the world. Unlike editing one file at a time, you can update content with a striking interface. What I’ve just mentioned earlier, WordPress is a common CMS of choice. Just like what I’m using right now. With a CMS, that requires an SQL database for it to run. For some hosts who provided SQL, they can provide it for free, or as an upgrade for your website via a higher plan. If you rely on SQL, depending on your website’s needs, it may pile up overtime, database cleaners has been developed to clean away all of that junk. Without it, you may consume all of your disk space. You can use a database cleaner to remove these unwanted databases, and keep the recently updated.

A CMS site with over 200,000,000 posts can take an entire 1-TB disk overtime. If you experienced you’re about to go over your size limit, you may need to upgrade your hosting plan. However, for some html files that don’t reach that much of the size, it can take some time to fill up a 1-TB disk. If you were talented enough; you can write long posts on your website, and enable people to keep reading like books in a library.

Why this is common?

Most hosting companies rely on this feature to enable patrons to rely on dynamic content,–without needing to create html files. And this is common for some people who are bloggers can save time by not creating HTML files!

No need to create folders.

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